One week after they staged an impromptu, handwritten-signs-and-all counterdemonstration when a Referendum 71 opponent showed up outside the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, this contingent of Referendum 71 supporters is “back in action” today, as the subject line in a note from Corianton, sent along with that photo, put it. He says there’s been no sign today of anyone on behalf of the opposition, but pro-71 clergy members were planning to join them. (If you’re just catching up – a vote to approve Referendum 71 means the domestic-partnership-rights bill passed by the Legislature will take effect.) Here’s more info in the state voters’ guide; once again, we are voting entirely by mail now, so your ballot needs to be mailed or dropped off – here’s the list of boxes, including one in White Center – by Election Day (Nov. 3). ADDED 9:09 PM: We received photos of the interfaith pro-71 demonstration too, thanks to Kari Kopnick from Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation:
ID’s from Kari: “From left, that’s Carmen McDowell, Unitarian Universalist Student Minister; Rev. Diane Darling, Alki Congregational United Church of Christ; Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown, Tibbetts United Methodist Church; Rev. Ann J. Eidson, Admiral Congregational Church; Rev. Peg Boyle Morgan, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Not pictured: members of Kol HaNeshamah, but they were there.”
Kari says Approve R-71 supporters will be back next Sunday, too.