West Seattle scene: “The Approve R-71 effort is back in action”

One week after they staged an impromptu, handwritten-signs-and-all counterdemonstration when a Referendum 71 opponent showed up outside the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, this contingent of Referendum 71 supporters is “back in action” today, as the subject line in a note from Corianton, sent along with that photo, put it. He says there’s been no sign today of anyone on behalf of the opposition, but pro-71 clergy members were planning to join them. (If you’re just catching up – a vote to approve Referendum 71 means the domestic-partnership-rights bill passed by the Legislature will take effect.) Here’s more info in the state voters’ guide; once again, we are voting entirely by mail now, so your ballot needs to be mailed or dropped off – here’s the list of boxes, including one in White Center – by Election Day (Nov. 3). ADDED 9:09 PM: We received photos of the interfaith pro-71 demonstration too, thanks to Kari Kopnick from Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation:

ID’s from Kari: “From left, that’s Carmen McDowell, Unitarian Universalist Student Minister; Rev. Diane Darling, Alki Congregational United Church of Christ; Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown, Tibbetts United Methodist Church; Rev. Ann J. Eidson, Admiral Congregational Church; Rev. Peg Boyle Morgan, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Not pictured: members of Kol HaNeshamah, but they were there.”

Kari says Approve R-71 supporters will be back next Sunday, too.

19 Replies to "West Seattle scene: "The Approve R-71 effort is back in action""

  • Catherine October 18, 2009 (4:25 pm)

    Yay, glad to see you gentlemen out there! I saw a bunch of anti-71 protesters by South Center and it made me so sick inside. Thanks for fighting the good fight!

  • Amy October 18, 2009 (4:40 pm)

    Heh, I’m in this picture. In the back, waiting for my partner to get out of the HoneyPot.

    I turned around when I heard someone say “West Seattle Blog” and saw him take the picture but didn’t think I was in it.

    Interestingly, at that VERY moment I was thinking a big “thank you” to the folks who were standing there with signs. I am a person who will be affected by the outcome of this referendum, though you’d never know it when I’m walking down the street with my partner. We’re quite invisible to the LGB community, as my partner represents the T part.

  • KateMcA October 18, 2009 (5:32 pm)

    I was so glad to see these guys out here today! I thanked them a couple times as I walked by. As a married, straight woman, the outcome of this vote does not directly affect me, but I am so pleased that the government didn’t weigh in on whether or not my husband should marry or live together that I am a very strong supporter of this measure. I hope we get one step closer to marriage equality in this country– this kind of loving commitment is something beautiful to be shared by all rather than a right enjoyed by only a self-appointed few.

  • ikahana October 18, 2009 (6:14 pm)

    Thank you guys.

  • lina October 18, 2009 (7:41 pm)

    Thanks guys!! look forward to casting a vote in favor of 71 and am encouraging those in my circles to do the same.

  • 1000amys October 18, 2009 (9:06 pm)

    Some of us from faith communities were at the Junction in support of Approve Referendum 71 from 1:00-2:00 at least 50 strong. We got lots of honks and waves. I know some folks took pictures. We’ll be there next week too.

  • WSB October 18, 2009 (9:11 pm)

    1000, I actually just added two of those photos – TR

  • miss_emilee October 18, 2009 (11:03 pm)

    excited to hear this will be going on next week. we’re too young to vote, but my fellow classmates and I will probably attend. our human relations club this month is focusing on tolerance and human rights and lgbt rights are our #1 focus right now. some pictures of this would be fantastic. if anyone has been affected by intolerance for being gay and will be there next week, we’d love to have you speak to our school.

  • morcaffeineplease October 19, 2009 (5:43 am)

    Thanks guys, and thanks to all who came out to support Ref. 71 on Sunday. It makes me proud to live in West Seattle.

  • John October 19, 2009 (10:32 am)

    THANK YOU United Methodist! I always believed church groups followed the word of the Bible. You’ve taught me differently. I really enjoyed seeing you out there.

  • Steph October 19, 2009 (10:36 am)

    Yay! It makes me want to cry (a happy one) when I see straight people giving us support and love like this. It really helps to drown out all the badness that is coming out from the people against us. Thank you all for taking the time to show support.

  • Keith October 19, 2009 (11:25 am)

    The interfaith group was especially awesome and inspiring, showing that religious beliefs are no excuse for intolerance and discrimination. Bravo!

  • domypart? October 19, 2009 (5:20 pm)

    Is it safe to assume I can just show up? Will people have extra signs, or should I bring my own? Is there a meeting place? I have been trying to find ways to support, including donation, of course. I’d love to stand next to my West Seattle neighbors in support of this referendum!

  • Vanessa C October 19, 2009 (6:07 pm)

    Dear DoMyPart, I believe we’ll be back at the ‘all-walk” intersection again this Sunday from 1p-2p
    It’s great if you have time to make a sign, but there are some extras. Or just bring your smile and wave. I only got flipped off once, just warning ya.

  • Mike October 21, 2009 (12:21 pm)

    I disagree. Is that Ok? Homosexuality is NOT a family value, as well as bigotry.
    It seems as though the blog does not welcome opposing viewpoints.

  • dawsonct October 22, 2009 (11:00 am)

    Maybe not in your family, Mike, but how about the families of homosexuals? Against homosexuality? Don’t fall in love with someone of the same sex. No one would make the choice to be a member of an opressed, reviled, and often violently treated minority; this is a choice that is made for them. I don’t recall when I first was attracted to women, but it was very early in my life and I have had no reason to question it. My neighbor growing up was obviously gay before we reached the age of sexuality. In JH and HS he tried to live the “norm”, but it was obvious even to those of us on the outside that he was simply trying to fit in. He didn’t choose his sexuality, and if you could be honest with yourself, you didn’t choose your’s, either.

    But this simply comes down to one question: is it the American ideal for the majority to decide the rights of the minority? I don’t think so.

  • Mira October 22, 2009 (11:30 am)

    For those of you who want to do more to help approve Ref 71, FUSE is running phone banks to call voters. I brought some friends and did it last night and we actually had a lot of fun! We didn’t have to convince the opposers, just remind supporters to vote by Nov. 3rd and educate the undecideds. FUSE has info on rallies all over the state too. Go to http://www.fusewashington.org/ for more.

  • Disgusted American October 22, 2009 (12:43 pm)

    Hey Mike – Gay people exist ….they ARE your neigbors,drs,nurses,firemen, electrician, they ARE son,sdaughters,mothers and fathers,cousins,brothers and sisters…they ARE a Part of someones family….Im so sick of the term “Family Values” bein Mis-Used against LGBT citizens- as if they are some kind of Aliens from another world….we are all part of the Human Family Values!

  • Dawnie October 22, 2009 (1:21 pm)

    I was so happy to see all these loving people standing up for their rights or the rights of others..I’m a straight 65 year old woman who believes that we should all have equal rights..The Constitution didn’t single out who should have those rights and who shouldn’t..What I have never been able to understand is how a same sex couple, for example, effects anyone else’s life in any way..Being together is about love and commitment, that’s all that’s important…
    This past week, my Mom had a stroke, and I spent many many hours in the hospital, so I was able to observe much..
    One thing saddened me beyond belief..A gay couple were there, they had been partners for 32 years..The one partner was dying and due to the instructions of his (to me) evil family, his partner was not allowed in to see him…Since he was not able to talk, he had to lay there, dying knowing his partner was not allowed to see him..Is this what we want?…My God, I hope we haven’t come to that..Approving Ref 71, will stop that from happening…Please tell EVERYONE you know to vote for the Ref…We need to stop the hate and bigotry…Also keep in mind that this is not just a gay, lesbian issue, it’s a domestic partnership issue, gay, straight, black, white or whatever you are…It affects all of us who for whatever reasons can’t enter into a “marriage”..
    Keep up the good work everyone and those of you who are ministers or congregation of the different churches that participated, you are the “True Christians”…Thank you

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