WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm as always, 44th/Alaska. The Ripe ‘n’ Ready list is back online, and you can see the long list here.
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS – TWO OPTIONS: Today is the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals, a traditional time for “Blessing of the Animals” events – and you have two options today – Alki UCC (62nd/Hinds; map) is having a special service at 10 am (read more here), and St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church is presenting a festival-style outdoor event in the adjacent West Seattle High School parking lot starting at noon (here’s our coverage from last year).
CROP WALK: Alki UCC is also, as usual, the starting point for the annual Seattle CROP Walk to fight hunger; you will see walkers, many with special vests, some carrying signs, on a route around Alki Point starting around 1:30 pm (if you want to join them, register at 1).
FREE YOGA: It’s in the Freebies/Deals/Sales section of the WSB Forums, too, but if you missed it – SoundYoga (WSB sponsor) is offering one of its periodic Free Sunday Yoga sessions today, 11 am-12:15 pm.
Yet more of today’s highlights in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.
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