Apologies if you find great value in phone books. We don’t; we use the Internet so much, we haven’t used a phone book in at least five years. (Adored them PRE-Web.) We don’t even have a Qwest phone line – and yet a big stack of their newest phone books just landed on the porch at WSB HQ. We have discussed this in past years and could SWEAR we already opted out. But here they are (1:12 pm, added photo at left – THREE of them in one bag!). So we are currently researching to find the true, proven way to opt out. If you’ve done it, and it worked, please share; meantime, we’ll share whatever we come up with (Qwest/Dex has a “Select Your Dex” online option that purportedly enables you to choose “zero” books for the future, but we’re not trusting it till we talk to someone who confirms that’s the way to go; the guy who answered the previously offered #, 800-422-8793, couldn’t tell us that for sure).
West Seattle, Washington
02 Sunday