Update on Scatt the cat, White Center attack survivor

(photo from Pasado’s Safe Haven website)
One day after first word of the attack that left Scatt the Cross Church cat in the hospital, and put his alleged attacker in jail, there’s an online update from Pasado’s Safe Haven, the local animal-advocacy group that has offered to foot Scatt‘s medical bills. Scatt’s gone through surgery and is now being evaluated for possible peritonitis. Read the latest here. 6 PM UPDATE: First-degree animal-cruelty charges are now filed in this case.

25 Replies to "Update on Scatt the cat, White Center attack survivor"

  • d April 22, 2009 (12:46 pm)

    He’s standing and eating – very promising!

    This is a heart-wrenching story – I’m pulling for this therapy cat.

    Bless the beasts and their guardians….

  • Stephanie April 22, 2009 (12:59 pm)

    Should the church be checking out people who are staying there? Pasado’s Safe Haven article says, “The man, they learned, had multiple outstanding warrants against him.”

  • DRS April 22, 2009 (1:02 pm)

    Keeping good thoughts for Scatt’s speedy recovery. The subhuman who did this to him should be promptly eliminated. There is no place in our society for someone who would do such a horrendous thing. It’s unconscionable.

  • Kayleigh April 22, 2009 (1:18 pm)

    This made me cry.

  • AMH April 22, 2009 (1:35 pm)

    Thanks for the update… I’m going to Pasado’s website right now to donate. That poor baby.

  • scattisamazing April 22, 2009 (1:41 pm)

    Scatt looks so broken-hearted. I am so sorry to see this poor cat suffer in this way. Blessings to the caregivers and strength and comfort to Scatt.

  • marianne April 22, 2009 (1:54 pm)

    Wishing the best for Scatt and things too vile to post here for the scumbag who did this.

  • GoScattGo April 22, 2009 (2:04 pm)

    It’s hard to believe that the maximum time in jail for an act this evil is only 5 years. A person who can do this to another creature is far too dangerous to be let out in 5 years (or ever).

  • GoScattGo April 22, 2009 (2:08 pm)

    Will the name of the perpetrator be released to the WSB?

  • Benito Juarez April 22, 2009 (2:15 pm)

    From http://www.komonews.com/news/local/43391762.html

    Deputies said Tracy Clark attacked Scatt, the resident pet of the Cross Church & Discipleship Center, with a razor blade on Monday. Clark told a witness he “gutted the cat” after the cat attacked him, detectives said.

  • WSB April 22, 2009 (2:25 pm)

    I’ll be keeping an eye on the legal case, although Pasado’s Safe Haven does a fairly intense job of updating those details too (if anyone hasn’t been here long enough to know what their name is about – there was a notorious case in which a donkey at a local farm was viciously abused … his name was Pasado, and from watchdogging that case, the organization was born – my early TV years in Seattle, ’90s) … TR

  • Artsy April 22, 2009 (2:32 pm)

    This is heartbreaking. I can not comprehend how a human can do this to another living thing. It is reassuring that good people can come forward and help care for this animal; I hope Scatt recovers and can provide healing comfort to those in need at the Church. It sickens me to know though, that the individual who did this was also being ‘cared’ for by good people. (The Seattle Times reported he was in a drug/alcohol rehab program at the Church) In my opinion, he doesn’t deserve any more chances. May he constantly be haunted by his actions while in prison. Lastly, it might be nice to provide a link to the photo of the cat so viewers can be warned of the graphic and disturbing nature of the image. It will trouble me for a long time, I’m sure.

  • CallMeAl April 22, 2009 (2:33 pm)

    I’m sorry…but who named this poor thing SCATT?!

  • WSB April 22, 2009 (2:36 pm)

    Yesterday the Sheriff’s Office news release said Scat, today Pasado says Scatt, we’ll go with Pasado. That seems to be how he’s known at the church.

  • MJ April 22, 2009 (2:55 pm)

    This makes me want to rush home and kiss my cat. Poor thing….what a terrible thing to happen.

  • Ms Pam April 22, 2009 (3:15 pm)

    I am so sorry that Scatt has had to go through such a horrible and ungoing tragedy. I lost my brother 2 years ago (4-15-07) by someone who he trusted, just like Scatt did.

    Thanks to Pasado for being there. I am on my way to making a donation for the “Scatt’s and Benny’s of this world!

    Here’s to better and healthier times for Scatt! Meow!!!

  • Paul in Gatewood April 22, 2009 (3:35 pm)

    I am going to go home and donate to Pasado. I saw this story during my lunch break and almost broke down crying. He looks like such a sweet, trusting little guy – he probably did walk right up to the subhuman who did this, thinking he was his friend. We have two cats that we love and I can’t imagine going through what his owners have had to go through.

  • CD April 22, 2009 (4:03 pm)

    This story makes sick, how awful that he said he “gutted” the cat. What an …..(words not appropriate here).

    I love pasado’s and due to donate.

  • KateMcA April 22, 2009 (4:42 pm)

    This person must be the most disgusting human being imaginable, and there’s not a punishment severe enough. I would love to be picked for this guy’s jury. I feel so horrible for Scatt and his family, and I’m donating right now. Poor sweet baby.

  • seven April 22, 2009 (6:54 pm)

    “Scat the Cat gets gashed by drunk hobo.”

  • Elizabeth April 23, 2009 (2:19 pm)

    Poor kitty. I hope he has a speedy recovery. What a sad, sad, story. Anyone who did this is not a healthy and balanced person to say the least. I hope for his recovery, too.

  • Bonnie April 24, 2009 (5:58 pm)

    A sad chapter in what must be a sad life story of the fellow who attacked the cat. Of course we feel sorry for a sweet, furry creature, but maybe some of you can spare a little sympathy for the person, who (based on being in a shelter) has probably had a messed up life, and likely suffers from mental illness as well.

  • CD April 25, 2009 (12:01 am)

    Any further updates?

  • WSB April 25, 2009 (12:12 am)

    why, yes indeed:

    says he should be able to go home soon … attack suspect’s arraignment set for May 6

  • Bettytheyeti May 4, 2009 (3:53 am)

    I donated Scat’s Pasado’s medical bills after reading he was mounting a recovery. Kitty must have a more endearing name to go by? Thank you WSBlog for including this story which must have been very hard to write. And thank you to Pasado for quick attention this therapy cats sad plight.

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