Quick update: 1 more Design Review meeting for Conner project

Tonight’s Design Review meeting for the Conner Homes (owner Charlie Conner, photo left) project at California/42nd/Alaska won’t be the last. After a somewhat rushed meeting — High Point Library had to close at 8 pm, no matter what — board members agreed the project wasn’t quite ready for final design-review approval. Board chair David Foster told WSB afterward that they’ll work with city planners to see if that last meeting can be scheduled sooner rather than later – perhaps in three weeks (which would be Thursday, April 2nd). More details later on the concerns, and kudos, expressed for the project, what board members want to see in that next review, and what else happens now. (Monday morning note: Full article will be published separately no later than noon this afternoon.)

2 Replies to "Quick update: 1 more Design Review meeting for Conner project"

  • publicadministrator March 13, 2009 (8:51 am)

    Commenting here only on the review process and not the (de)merits of the proposal.

    As a city employee with a background in public involvement: DPD and the commission could have easily anticipated that the library’s size and hours of operation were ill suited for the public turn out. This was the third meeting on a controversial development located on a prominent intersection.

    Appreciation and gratitude to the young lady who presented photos of existing architectural features to illustrate the point that adding such details would go a long way in getting the Connor development to harmonize with the streetscape.

  • ericak March 13, 2009 (8:58 am)

    I completely agree with the previous comments. It was great to see so many people at the meeting and giving such valuable feedback. The photos presented of good design and the character we are looking for in this project was incredible – thank you!

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