When we first reported eight days ago that SDOT crews had finally put up the two red-light cameras announced 13 months earlier, the city told us that warning signs would follow, “one to two weeks before the cameras begin to operate.” So – here’s your “one- to two-week warning” – the signs you see above are on eastbound Thistle, west of 35th, and they match two signs on westbound Thistle, east of 35th. What we didn’t see this afternoon are: signs on 35th itself (where the 35th/Thistle red-light camera is supposed to be catching southbound red-light runners), nor did we see signs around the other camera, on westbound Avalon east of 35th, but we’ll be watching; let us know if you see them first (editor@westseattleblog.com)!
West Seattle, Washington
13 Wednesday