Pigeon Point Council: Greenbelt cleanup; snowstorm ratings …

February 9, 2009 10:56 pm
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(from left, Chief Sealth students DJ, Holly, Sara)
Tonight’s Pigeon Point Neighborhood Council meeting included an appearance by student reps of a project we’ve heard about at several meetings in the past few weeks: Chief Sealth High School students working with Cooper Elementary students to document and clean up the nearby section of the West Duwamish Greenbelt. This meeting, of course, had special significance, since Cooper is where the PP group meets. The students are looking for people who can help them compile neighborhood history, too. Another agenda item: Debbie Goetz from the city’s neighborhood-preparedness team led some post-mortem discussion of the December snow (even as some February flakes are falling). She asked attendees to rate the snowstorm on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being “extreme inconvenience” – most gave it a 7 or 8, and many voiced concerns about the bus troubles that happened throughout the storm; Debbie reiterated what’s been said at recent city meetings — Metro’s being brought into planning for future weather problems. She also passed out flyers for the next SNAP (Seattle Neighborhoods Actively Prepare) session in West Seattle, 6:30 pm March 12 at the Admiral Library branch.

Two more items discussed: Pete Spalding voiced concern about maintenance and vandalism (including tagging) on Pigeon Point-area staircases. Neighbors agreed to assess the staircases and contact the city for repair materials; maintenance trouble spots include railings that are in bad shape. Plus, the future Delridge Produce Co-Op came up (as reported here last week), with lots of enthusiastic discussion, and questions about whether parking strips can be used for edible gardens and fruit trees. (The next meeting for everybody interested in the Co-Op, by the way, is this Thursday, 6:30 pm, Delridge Library.)

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