From the WSB Forums: Searching for sideswiped-car witnesses

The car owner who just posted this item is hoping somebody saw who did it, last night or early this morning; remember that our forum has “private message” capabilities if you want to send information outside the thread.

4 Replies to "From the WSB Forums: Searching for sideswiped-car witnesses"

  • M. February 21, 2009 (11:37 am)

    I don’t see a car?

  • WSB February 21, 2009 (11:40 am)

    No photo available. Perhaps I should rework the headline if the first thing you thought is that you’d see a photo … although I will be e-mailing the post’er to ask if they have one. Thanks! – TR

  • jeannie February 21, 2009 (10:09 pm)

    Some jerk sideswiped my Mini Cooper when I was parked on Beach Drive between 4 PM and 6 PM Saturday. They snapped off the housing for the driver’s side mirror. Fortunately, I found the housing lying in the street and was able to snap it back on. But it was quite scratched up. If it was an accident, the driver should have left a note. If it was deliberate, the vandals should get a good, sharp kick in the ….

  • westseattleite February 23, 2009 (1:02 pm)

    I feel for everyone this happens too. I actually had someone smash into the back of my car while it was parked and keep on going. Believe it or not the police were able to find her and identify that it was my neighbor. I think some people think that if the owner didn’t see it then it’s somehow okay to hit and run. My neighbor actually told the police that she knew she hit something, but wasn’t sure what it was and that’s why she didn’t stop. Greath, huh! I’m glad she didn’t hit a person!

Sorry, comment time is over.