West Seattle snow aftermath: Reminder – how to request plowing

We’re seeing this all over TV news tonight, but you first heard about it here 10 days ago: How to call the city to ask that your street be plowed (and to be sure they know it HASN’T) – the 24-hour number is 386-1218. In fact – right after we hit “publish” on that reminder – this note came in from SDOT:

Passable conditions have been achieved on all of the city’s primary arterials. SDOT crews continue 24 hour operations and are now working to clear snow and ice from secondary arterials and residential streets. The clearing of snow and ice from secondary arterials and residential streets will be prioritized based on police, fire and life safety concerns. Residents are still encouraged to call (206) 386-1218 to submit specific clearing requests. Requests will be filled on a case by case basis.

16 Replies to "West Seattle snow aftermath: Reminder - how to request plowing"

  • ASH December 26, 2008 (5:16 pm)

    I got a flat tire because of the condition of Holden Street. Can I send a bill to the city? (like pothole damage?)

  • GenHillOne December 26, 2008 (5:16 pm)

    What a joke. Just saw this on KING and SDOT told them requests would be taken on a first-come-first-served basis. We “requested” that Dakota be done on Sunday (possibly even Saturday, it’s all running together now). Sunday night, KIRO was live from that street showing the condition of WS side streets, KING the next morning. Has it ever been touched? Go ahead, guess.

  • WSB December 26, 2008 (5:22 pm)

    I think the paragraph I just added (news release came in literally a moment after I put up the first part of this after seeing those tv news stories) may clarify it – public safety priorities. Sorry to hear yours is still out of commission – we did have scattered reports today of some “side” streets being addressed. The one on the south side of our house is about as “side” as a “side” street can get and I am sure that it will never in its history see a plow – TR

  • Diane December 26, 2008 (5:27 pm)

    just shoveled snow/ice off my car; but cannot move it because Hinds has never been plowed up here in Belvidere; I called that number first time I saw you list it, but then the all the snow melted; just tried it now, got busy signal
    I was able to start my car at first, so relieved; let it run awhile; but now it won’t restart; need to get a jump and actually drive it I think to recharge system; so damn, still stuck

  • Diane December 26, 2008 (5:49 pm)

    I’ve tried dozens of times, no getting through to that number; is there an email?

  • Manuel W. December 26, 2008 (6:19 pm)

    Currently, Fauntleroy between Alaska and California is wide enough for two small cars with a few feet of space between them. Nevertheless, people are trying to drive it as a two-lane street, huge trucks are jockeying thigh to thigh with dinky cars, people are jamming on brakes, swerving, tailgating, and kareening all over the place at 50mph. It’s dangerous right now.

  • Bonnie December 26, 2008 (6:29 pm)

    I got through, just requested our street. Don’t know if it will happen but it would be nice.

  • GreenSpaces December 26, 2008 (6:43 pm)

    I would like my entire neighborhood to be plowed. But I see no point in requesting it since I know it won’t happen. Is that apathy? Or just “weary” in High Point…

  • TAM December 26, 2008 (7:01 pm)

    Have tried calling that number most of the day…. busy signal is all I get.

  • MNGIRL December 26, 2008 (7:28 pm)

    I called the number on Tuesday and actually got a really nice lady rather than a busy signal or machine. She was very sympathetic but told me we are like a third level street or something but she’d request that they at least put some sand on the hill. Now I think she never wrote a thing down and was probably chuckling to herself the whole conversation. I actually feel sort of stupid for even thinking it would make any difference!

  • AlkiRagdoll December 26, 2008 (7:36 pm)

    BJ- saw your post on another thread. Hope you are checking this ome. Your messabe indicatd you are returning by Shuttle Express tomorrow 12-27. I am not risking it as I also return tomorrow — and had a horrible time getting car service on 12-22… but made my flight. I booked a reservation with Seattle Towncar, they are on the web. There is a $20 weather fee, in addition to the $60 regular fee.. but they will drive to West Seattle. My flight gets in around 9pm. and they have agreed to meet me. If you dont try them, try J&S TownCar – they cost be $100 to get to the airport on the morning of the 22nd. Good luck.

  • Diane December 26, 2008 (8:06 pm)

    well I finally got past the busy signal, waited on hold for 10 mins, then got the nice lady
    requested Hinds from California to 37th; so now we’ll see if a plow shows up first, or the big melt

  • verbalgirl December 26, 2008 (8:15 pm)

    AlkiRagdoll, just FYI I was able to get a regular yellow cab to bring me home from the airport to Holden & 29th last night (12/25). He couldn’t get down the side street for door-to-door service, but saved me from a night at a friend’s place and meant I only had to walk a few blocks. Also, no surcharge — just the regular $32 (plus tip). Shuttle Express wasn’t doing any residential drop-offs at all last night (only to hotels).

    Good luck in getting home!

  • PSPS December 26, 2008 (8:22 pm)

    After my various trips tonight, I suspect all streets will be drivable by morning. Side streets that were impassable with my unchained FWD sedan this morning were OK tonight as they have melted to the point where there’s at least a wheel track to wet pavement.
    To ASH: Actually, you can file a claim with the city for the flat if you can make a case for it. I’ve done that a few times due to pot holes for flats and an alignment and there was no trouble getting reimbursed for it. All incorporated cities must carry liability insurance for such things.

  • fiz December 26, 2008 (8:38 pm)

    God love Dave our UPS driver. He walked into our slushy, rutted deadend street at 7:18 tonight to deliver Hubby’s medical supplies. Then made sure we answered the door.

    And we’ve had on-time mail service every day of the storms. These guys are GREAT!

  • bj December 27, 2008 (9:19 am)

    I just spoke with Shuttle Express and they have resumed normal operations and I asked if that included West Seattle. I gave her my reservation code and she said no problem. Would save you a bundle. Good to know about towncar though in an emergency.
    Have a safe flight home.

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