West Seattle High School title game: Alumni bus, anyone?

Just out of the WSB inbox from the West Seattle High School Alumni Association: They are hoping to organize a bus for alumni to attend Friday night’s WSHS-Eastside Catholic conference title game at Memorial Stadium downtown – and they would need to have 25 people confirmed for the bus ASAP to secure the bus. Cost would be $5 per person; the bus would leave WSHS parking lot at 6:30 pm, back around 10:30. If you’re interested, call Christy Rowe ASAP – 206-932-6953 – or if you can’t call, e-mail carowe@blarg.net (also ASAP).

12 Replies to "West Seattle High School title game: Alumni bus, anyone?"

  • JenV October 28, 2008 (11:46 am)

    I live fairly near the stadium here, and we have been thinking it would be nice to take a walk down there one night and watch a game. Any pointers? Also, if there is a schedule anyone can post that would be great. It seems like every Friday we see the lights and hear the cheers – we’d love to come down in person. Thanks in advance!

  • JanS October 28, 2008 (12:48 pm)

    jenV…this game is at Memorial Stadium at Seattle Center. It’s the Conference Title game…football season for high school is just about over…

  • JenV October 28, 2008 (12:49 pm)

    oh, bummer. well, next year for sure. :D

  • Anne October 28, 2008 (2:05 pm)

    Seattle Lutheran High School’s football team plays at WS Stadium this friday night,7-9 and also on Thursday Nov.6 7-9.LOTS of school spirit and great fun-plus I think they’re leading in their league.Check them out!

  • JH October 28, 2008 (2:15 pm)

    What a great idea! Too bad I have to drive my daughter though-unless I can sneak kids on the bus…

  • JenV October 28, 2008 (3:09 pm)

    thanks for the tip, Anne – I actually spent a couple of semesters in HS at SLHS- so it would be easy for me to cheer them on! :D

  • JH October 28, 2008 (3:10 pm)

    SLHS has hijacked this thread! :-(

  • Anne October 28, 2008 (3:23 pm)

    Gee-sorry about that.I’m a WSHS grad so you’d better believe I’m cheering for them-anyone that can make it to Memorial Stadium-please go.My kids are SLHS grads & just wanted to let peopole know that if you can’t make it to the West Seattle game there’s an alternative that’s full of spirit!
    Go Saints & Go Indians—-oops showing my age—Go Wildcats!!!!

  • JH October 28, 2008 (9:41 pm)

    Anne, I was an Indian also!

    Okay I’m on the bus. However, isn’t the game at 7PM? There was a 30 minute wait for tickets at the Sealth game. Maybe the bus can leave a little earlier!

  • JH October 28, 2008 (9:43 pm)

    I meant the 30 minute wait was at the Homecoming game, not the Sealth game!

  • rowboat October 28, 2008 (10:50 pm)

    The game is advertised to start at 7:30 p.m.
    For those who have secured a seat on the bus, detailed information will be sent out to verify times etc.
    So glad to see the excitement and spirit for our community public high school!

  • JH October 29, 2008 (6:34 am)

    Sorry Rowboat! My daughter corrected me but I forgot to admit my mistake here-ha! Too bad we can’t edit our posts…

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