West Seattle Crime Watch: Bohemian ripoff


If you see a two-piece tile artwork that resembles what’s shown above – you may be able to solve the mystery of a ripoff at West Seattle’s newest dining/drinking establishment, The Bohemian. Proprietors Jason and Eirik Rice‘s mom Terri wrote us with the details:

I was so upset that a person stole our beautiful tiles from the front of our Ladies Room door on Saturday night. We have tried so hard to make everything nice & comfortable for our guests and to be treated like this it is a real disappointment. Our neighborhood friends are also upset that this has happened in their place. Please put something in the blog that will let this “person” know that they should be ashamed of themselves. And their Mother would be also.

She says there’s a bottle-of-wine reward for anyone who returns the stolen tiles (not taken during a break-in, but during hours when The Bohemian was open, “on a busy Saturday night”).

14 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Bohemian ripoff"

  • Luckie October 7, 2008 (5:27 pm)

    Unbelieveable! This makes me angry!

    If you took those tiles, take them back!


  • Business Opportunity October 7, 2008 (5:38 pm)

    Sorry to hear of these getting ripped off – especially since you just opened. Not a very nice way to welcome you to the hood.
    Sounds like you an opportunity to make some money selling “replica” tiles since it appears there might be a demand for them. Hope you get the original back though.

  • Vickie October 7, 2008 (5:54 pm)

    Oh, this is so sad – can’t believe someone would even consider doing such a thing….Jason, et al – here’s hoping the culprit brings them back to you quickly!

  • me October 7, 2008 (6:11 pm)

    How rude.

  • Bonnie October 7, 2008 (8:09 pm)

    That’s awful. So sorry that happened.

  • missaudreyhorne October 7, 2008 (9:12 pm)

    It makes me angry that such a nice place with such nice owners has people coming in that would do something so rude. Stealing tiles from a bathroom door? KLASSY. Thank you for keeping the good name of West Seattle going, douche bag.

  • Creighton October 7, 2008 (9:42 pm)

    Sorry to hear about that. My wife and I had dinner there 2 weeks ago and really enjoyed how cordial the staff were, and how good the food was. The jerk that took the tiles should be ashamed of themselves. It’s pathetic. To who ever took them – your friends might think you’re wild and crazy and smirk about it to your face, but behind your back they think you’re a jerk and will watch you to make sure you don’t steal from them now. Return the tiles and get some redemption.

  • JanS October 7, 2008 (10:03 pm)

    what is that saying? Karma’s a bitch !

    So sorry to hear about this. Seems that even though we don’t want to believe it, we do have slime living among us. To the friends of this lowlife…turn them in, get a bottle of wine..and raise yourselves up a notch on the humanity scale.

  • Jiggers October 8, 2008 (12:03 am)

    Someone a month ago ripped off one of the big plasma screens inside Shadowland after it was closed . Talk about ballzy.

  • Rick October 8, 2008 (6:57 am)

    Message to the perp: Turn the tiles in for your free bottle of wine and then stop by my shop for your free REALLY bad haircut! Why I do what I do- profit and revenge.

  • KatieMcA October 8, 2008 (7:23 am)

    Ugh! My husband and I have been really excited to welcome what looks like an amazing restaurant to our area (we’ve not had a chance to try it out… YET), and it’s such a shame that this happened. There are obviously some truly rude people among us.

  • P October 8, 2008 (7:55 am)

    rick, that is too good! really, its amazing what people will rip off.

  • Valerie Farris October 8, 2008 (9:21 am)

    It’s too bad that the idiotic few like this thief have the potential to ruin things for the rest of us! Seriously – what’s he/she going to do with the tiles?!

    Hopefully the good that comes out of this will be some great publicity for the Bohemian – it’s a GREAT place!

  • deb October 8, 2008 (10:26 am)

    Rick, I love your profit-and-revenge business plan!

    Wow, talk about courting bad karma. Bohemian owners, I’m so sorry to hear that one of our neighbors stole those (gorgeous) tiles. But I hope that that one jerk maneuver won’t sour your opinion of the rest of us West Seattleites.

    P.S. I can’t wait to try the Bohemian. I’m going to talk my boyfriend into joining me there this weekend. I’m also thanking you in advance for offering that delicious-sounding vegetarian cassoulet! Thank you for being vegetarian-friendly in an inspired way.

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