How to have your Viaduct say, even if you missed tonight’s meeting

September 16, 2008 11:01 pm
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 |   Alaskan Way Viaduct | Transportation | West Seattle news


The clock’s ticking toward the previously proclaimed end-of-year decision deadline for the fate of the >Alaskan Way Viaduct‘s Central Waterfront section, and tonight’s open house at Fauntleroy Church is part of the latest phase of the winnowing-down-the-options process: The state’s doing environmental reviews, including a look at the eight options currently being reviewed (listed on The Viaduct website here, and shown in previous WSB coverage here). You have till September 30th to tell the state what you think; e-mail and phone options are both listed on this page (along with one more way to participate – attend the Stakeholders’ Advisory Committee meetings – next one’s 4 pm September 25th at Seattle City Hall).

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