Wildlife watch: Another post with coyotes AND an otter


Kayle sent that photo and this note:

6:30 am Sunday. We live in the ravine above Salty’s, up near Walnut in North Admiral. We’ve been hearing three coyote pups and mom at night … now they have been waltzing around our deck in the mornings! The pups look healthy, well fed and are bold. Watch your pets!

Then this afternoon, JC sent this:

Not sure that this is particularly newsworthy, but it certainly made my jaw drop: I was just driving up the north end of California Avenue, coming up from Harbor Drive at 2:43 pm. A little more than halfway up the hill, I had to stop for an otter which was loping across the road towards bay side of the street. There was a white pick-up truck coming down the hill who also had to stop. The driver and I exchanged astonished shrugs as the otter disappeared into the bushes.

In the previous reader-report wildlife post (which coincidentally mentioned coyotes and an otter), we noted you’ve got a chance tomorrow night to hear various experts talk about “coexistence with coyotes,” though you’ll have to go to Rainier Beach to do it. ADDED EARLY TUESDAY: Maybe you’ll see City Councilmember Sally Clark there. One of the newer entries to her official blog mentions her first-ever coyote sighting (she lives near Seward Park).

2 Replies to "Wildlife watch: Another post with coyotes AND an otter"

  • Michael Pradip July 8, 2008 (4:28 pm)

    I was shocked that there was a coyote spoted at 47TH and Oregon because we do not live by any parks or ravines. My friends dog chased it away. We now lock our cat door at night.

  • John July 9, 2008 (1:29 am)

    Someone pointed me to this post and blog…

    Coyotes are wild animals that have all the right in the world to hang around here. Although they are not native (we killed off a lot of their predators), we need to accept that they are here. Do not depend on the Department of Fish and Wildlife. They just take care of the wildlife and make sure that they are fine and that people are informed of the good and bad things that come along with living with wildlife. Such as the coyotes eating cats. Remember folks…they are wild animals and we are and have been in their world the entire time. Even in the city. So keep your cats indoors always unless you accept the fact that they too are something else’s pray just like a bird is a cats pray. Don’t blame the coyotes for the death of your cat.

    Educated yourselves in this concrete world that we all live in.

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