Follow-up: Fate of dog that bit child at West Seattle school

When we talked with the Seattle Animal Shelter last week about the iguana rescued in High Point (it’s gone to a foster home), we asked about one other recent case – the pit-bull dog that bit a girl at Lafayette Elementary on the last day of the school year (original WSB report here). They didn’t have the info handy then, but promised to find it, and indeed, we just got a call from Don Baxter from SAS: He says the dog was “put down” after the 10-day quarantine period at the shelter — because its owner was never found, and they can’t run the risk of adopting out a dog that’s already bitten someone. “Plus, it showed additional aggressive tendencies while it was here,” Baxter added.

3 Replies to "Follow-up: Fate of dog that bit child at West Seattle school"

  • acemotel July 30, 2008 (12:54 am)

    How is the girl doing?

  • WSB July 30, 2008 (2:16 am)

    We never got a name but a tv station talked to her a day or two later and it seemed not to have been a very serious bite – she looked fine. Oh, here’s the story:

  • MAS July 30, 2008 (10:19 am)

    Anyone else for mandatory chipping of dogs in the city so that:

    a) we can re-connect dogs which have broken their leashes or whatever with their owners


    b) we can track down responsible parties when something like this happens?

    Yeah, I know it would be hard to enforce. Just thinking blog-loud.

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