Next, we’re picking the winning lottery numbers


(photo taken a few minutes before the Official Start of Summer)
Permit us a funny little brag. Admiral Neighborhood Association president Mark Wainwright sometimes begins his meetings by going around the room with an interesting question for each person in attendance to answer. During the ANA meeting on Tuesday, June 10, in the midst of June gloom, he asked everyone in the room to predict which date it would next hit 80 degrees. Many were pessimists .. August? Next year? Etc. For some reason, your editor here declared, “June 20th.” Everyone laughed. Well, just for the record, it’s June 20th, and the 4 pm temperature reading at Sea-Tac Airport is … 80 degrees. At Boeing Field, 81. And the next few hours are likely to be even warmer. Happy summer!!!!

5 Replies to "Next, we're picking the winning lottery numbers"

  • JanS June 20, 2008 (7:07 pm)

    so…inquiring minds want to know…what do you win? ;-)

  • WSB June 20, 2008 (8:57 pm)

    Oh, Mark warned it was a prize-free “contest.” So I figured I’d just award myself bragging rights in front of thousands :)

  • Mark June 20, 2008 (9:35 pm)

    So here’s your reward… congratulations! Seriously, though, I knew you’d be the one to get it! you were probably wired into the NOAA long-term forecasts… I’ll bring something special for you to our next meeting!!!
    Well done!

  • WSB June 20, 2008 (9:57 pm)

    I lost my connection to the longterm forecasts when I quit Q13 … evening meteorologist Walter Kelley is the absolute best at long-range predictions (and an incredibly nice guy, too). I don’t watch much TV any more but Patrick tells me Walter called this one a few days ago. Meantime, really, interesting agendas are reward enough. The Charlestown Court presentation was such a surprise (it was on the agenda but no hint of the dramatic change), that made my night right there.

  • Brandon June 20, 2008 (10:14 pm)

    Congratulations Tracy! Glad one of the optimists won. Would have been a shame to wait until 2009.

    Thanks again for the wonderful coverage of Charlestown Court. Hope we’ll have the opportunity to surprise you again in the future.

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