Playtime at Ercolini Park’s new playground


Thanks to Eric for the tip that the Ercolini Park playground — built with work parties like this one we covered last month — was open for business today. Not sure if this was just a “soft launch” or what; we’ll be checking with project leaders. (Ercolini is just west of The Junction, at Alaska/48th.) 10:20 PM UPDATE: David Cagen from Friends of Ercolini Park clarifies, “Someone opened up the fencing on Friday and people filtered through all weekend. Nothing was official nor sanctioned, but people had a good time!”

15 Replies to "Playtime at Ercolini Park's new playground"

  • Bonnie May 18, 2008 (10:13 pm)

    Cool, can’t wait to check it out!

  • Susan May 19, 2008 (7:47 am)

    When does it officially open?

  • WSB May 19, 2008 (8:09 am)

    No date yet but David will keep us posted.

  • thinking May 19, 2008 (8:10 am)

    Are there public bathrooms?

  • WSB May 19, 2008 (8:20 am)

    No; this is what is considered a small neighborhood park rather than a destination where folks will come from miles around and therefore need facilities.

  • Jake May 19, 2008 (8:22 am)

    It looks like the park has been ready for a month. What’s the holdup on opening it? It’s a shame to drive by every day and see it all fenced up.

  • cmc May 19, 2008 (8:58 am)

    The holdup on opening it is to allow the grass to grow in before too much foot traffic. The park is still on schedule according to the timeline drafted months ago.

  • RobertSeattle May 19, 2008 (12:48 pm)

    Seattle.Gov needs to update their webpage regarding the park.

  • MsG May 19, 2008 (2:02 pm)

    I emailed the Seattle Parks contact (listed here: last week. He said they are planning to have the playground open “by memorial Day”.

  • RobertSeattle May 19, 2008 (3:03 pm)

    MsG – Now your dealing with government – your next response should have been “What Year?” :-)

  • wbn May 19, 2008 (4:06 pm)

    The park is NOT open. Someone very anxious to get inside opened the gate this weekend and needed their kid to run. The Parks department was there today tightening bolts as kids were playing on equipment, and found the fence open. I spoke with him and he said he wasn’t going to play cop. They should have some signs posted.

  • Alia May 19, 2008 (4:15 pm)

    I’m really excited about our new neighborhood park. Thanks to all who helped it become a reality.

  • flipjack May 19, 2008 (5:42 pm)

    Can’t wait to run my wkateboard through there!

  • Corey May 20, 2008 (1:54 pm)

    This is all too reminiscent of the Whale Tale Park opening. After 2 full years of construction, the park was completed but shielded from the public behind a 6-foot chain link fence for 3 months while the Parks Department contemplated finishing the park’s small art piece. Some frustrated neighborhood parents tore down the fence and opened the park so the kids could finally use the park.

  • Tom Watson May 22, 2008 (3:18 pm)

    My great grandparents would be, and family is very proud. Does anyone know of anything “official” happening for the opening if it’s indeed opening “by memorial day”?

Sorry, comment time is over.