Madison Middle School students to be honored in Olympia today


Congratulations to Madison Middle School seventh-graders Allie Commons and Dylan Tucker, who will be honored at a reception in Olympia today. They’re receiving an award at the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s annual School Art Show Awards and Reception, in connection with their work in the 2008 Youth Art Month flag-design contest (shown above). This comes as Arts Education Week wraps up. (Allie and Dylan’s work is featured on the state’s webpage for today’s event, as well as on page 2 of the program.) The Seattle Public Schools communication team also notes that Madison students “have been working on a project titled ‘A World with No Art’ with posters (on display at the school) illustrating what would be missing from their lives if fine art, music, dance, and drama did not exist.

1 Reply to "Madison Middle School students to be honored in Olympia today"

  • Ben Lee November 18, 2008 (6:09 pm)

    Good work Allie and Dylan, I diidnt know you two were both creative and artistic as this. Great work. Hope to your creativeness at school.

    Bye and good work.

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