Latest in the never-ending “skatepark or no skatepark” saga

So after the May 1st Myrtle Reservoir park meeting, at which it was revealed the idea of a skate feature at Myrtle was suddenly out of the picture, we started pursuing comment from city Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tim Gallagher, as (a) the buck of course stops with him and (b) he was reported to have been the one who took the wheels off the whole thing. Finally today, we got e-mail from him. Sounds more like a form letter to neighbors than a response to our request for comment on “why was the decision made?” but if you are interested in this ongoing issue, we thought you’d want to read it anyway:

May 16, 2008

Tracy Record

Dear Ms. Record:

I am writing in response to your concern about a skate facility at Myrtle Reservoir.

While we continue to look to build a skate facility in West Seattle, there has never
been funding for a skatepark at Myrtle Reservoir. Given the small amount of funding
we currently have available, Seattle Parks is looking at all site options, including
High Point Playfield. High Point Playfield suggests itself as a candidate because it
is on an arterial, has restrooms nearby at the community center, and is already an
active recreation site.

Also under consideration is Myrtle Reservoir, the design for which includes a corner
where a smaller skate feature could be built in the future.

I met with the Skatepark Advisory Committee earlier this week to talk about options
and potential funding sources. I believe that they are on board with the approach
described above. We will be looking at these sites in person with members of the
skate community.

Thank you for your concern for and involvement with skatepark siting in West
Seattle. I hope you will stay involved in the park planning process.

Timothy Gallagher
Superintendent, Seattle Parks and Recreation

We have written back to explain that we’re not a concerned neighbor but rather a media organization and still seeking clarification on the whole thing. Will let you know what we hear back.

4 Replies to "Latest in the never-ending "skatepark or no skatepark" saga"

  • denny May 17, 2008 (10:01 pm)

    this is hooey
    the decision to be made was whether a skate element would be sited at Myrtle Park and space to be saved for it. It was clear from the beginning and regularly stated that there was no $ to build it in the current budget
    So the fact that there’s no money to build it now is just cover so that they can again disappoint skaters and save face with neighbors who equate this form of recreation with hooliganism

  • Paul May 18, 2008 (5:40 pm)

    I’m also disappointed with the lack of a clear reply on this matter; it seems like there simply enough feedback coming from the community to raise the issue to the “appropriate levels.” A skatepark in my ‘hood is something I eagerly anticipated.

    I currently drive my kids to Alki to longboard, and I looked forward to walking to Myrtle with them so they could get a feel for another style of skating now that they’re getting comfortable with it.

    I appreciate the reports from the WSJ. Thank you, and please keep digging.

  • Aaron May 19, 2008 (12:44 pm)

    Apologies if this was already mentioned, but the Stranger even ran a story about our little park. There are some choice comments from neighbors quoted in the article.

    Read it here

  • WSB May 19, 2008 (2:00 pm)

    I saw it. It came up in the More page digest. Didn’t call it out on the main page because there wasn’t anything in it that hadn’t already been reported here.

Sorry, comment time is over.