Lively – and large – turnout for Duwamish Alive! event

Yes, yard/garden/habitat work can be fun — if you have company! That video shows just one of several merry mulch-relaying groups we saw in action during a brief visit to the EarthCorps– and Nature Consortium-organized Duwamish Alive! Earth Day event at Pigeon Point Park today. The restoration work at PP Park has really taken shape since we visited for this report a few months ago. After today’s cleanup work, the party was scheduled to move inside neighboring Cooper Elementary for indoor events (good timing; as our video shows, we were there during a sun break, but we all know that didn’t last long). One organizer told WSB today’s turnout numbered about 400!

3 Replies to "Lively - and large - turnout for Duwamish Alive! event"

  • WestwoodWriter April 19, 2008 (10:40 pm)

    The Nature Consortium is a true West Seattle gem. They do SO much good work in the greenbelt and throughout West Seattle (and citywide too). If you haven’t been to one of their West Duwamish Greenbelt work parties, you don’t know what you’re missing! They make it fun to get down and dirty (with gloves on) and commune with plants. You learn about invasive species and native plants. And, they usually treat you to a performance in the woods: dance & poetry! I know I sound like a paid endorsement, but I’m just a volunteer who can’t say enough good (GREAT) things about the Nature Consortium and the work they do. Check them out if you aren’t familiar with their work.

  • Cari April 20, 2008 (11:18 am)

    Thanks to the WSB for great coverage of the event!
    yesterday’s event was part of a larger, Duwamish Alive! event that drew over 800 people to 8 sites along the Duwamish in Georgetown, South Park, Tukwila, and in the Longfellow creek and Hamm creek watersheds. Just making sure to toot the horn of all the other groups out there yesterday! The Nature Consortium did a great job with the picnic, and Cooper Elementary was a great host for the Festival. Unbelievable turnout and energy for relatively wintery weather!
    for recap and photos next week.

  • WSB April 20, 2008 (11:37 am)

    Thanks, Cari. We did promote the other locations ahead of time, this happened to be the only one we were able to get to for some in-person coverage :) Congratulations on a successful day!

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