And now something uplifting

This comment just in on the seal-photo post:

I was lucky enough to visit Seattle this year, do some work, and see the Gray Whales. With mountains, seas, beaches, forests you live in a wonderful part of the world! Having spent a fair bit of time on the East Coast my few days in Seattle changed my perception of the US significantly!

Awww. That’ll keep us warm till the fog lifts.

7 Replies to "And now something uplifting"

  • Christopher Boffoli September 27, 2007 (8:44 am)

    As I am both a native New Englander and current resident of the Pacific Northwest I’m not sure how to take that comment. But I can understand the sentiment. The US surely is a vast and wondrous place. But Washington State in particular really does have a range of stunning features.

  • Wes September 27, 2007 (10:52 am)

    I myself have lived here all my life, but have travelled around the country and as far as cities are concerned, I would have to say that Seattle and the surrounding areas are the most beautiful. Water, beach, mountains, trees, wildlife and all around a fairly large city…seems pretty amazing to me.

  • Jan September 27, 2007 (11:12 am)

    I couldn’t agree more. I came from the East Coast 32 years ago..have been in West Seattle ever since.Fell in love with it at first sight…

  • miws September 27, 2007 (5:31 pm)

    I’ve lived here all my life as well, and am not well traveled so I don’t have alot to compare to, but I never get tired of looking out over Puget Sound, looking at the Olympics and Cascades, and especially seeing the Mountain so gloriously standing out on a clear day, and I still get a thrill out of a ferry ride!


  • Herman September 27, 2007 (6:52 pm)

    Let’s all remember that the east coast started out beautiful, but poor stewardship has turned it sour*. We have to preserve what we have here.

    (*parts of New England not included)

  • Jumbojim September 28, 2007 (10:59 am)

    I would say we have to preserve what we have *left* here. So much is already gone. I always think we have so much space and wildlife habitat here, but it was an eye opener to me recently to visit Virginia (mostly the Shenendoah Valley and surrounds) and see how much space there is on the supposedly paved-over east coast.

    They’re still losing land to development there as well, but we sure can’t sit on our haunches here and say “well, at least its not as bad as the east coast”.

  • Jan September 28, 2007 (10:30 pm)

    Jumbojim…you’re right…the Shenandoah Valley is beautiful in places. I think when I refer to the east coast, I particularly mean the Northeast Corridor…from DC up to NYC, and points in between. I went to college in the Shenandoah Valley, loved every minute I was there…the Blue Ridge Mountains, the rural areas, little towns…just wonderful. Thanks for the reminder :)

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