There’s always eBay

If you’re still in the market for a fan or air conditioner you’re not completely out of luck, but you’re running out of choices.

Here’s the mini-AC shelf at the Delridge Home Depot as seen just before noon.


And as of lunchtime this is what the fan aisle at Target looks like.


4 Replies to "There's always eBay"

  • eric July 10, 2007 (2:16 pm)

    Roxbury Home Depot

    heat must be getting to you (or I need to check out the new HD on Roxbury……)


  • Forest July 10, 2007 (3:01 pm)

    Did you take photos of the merchandise displays near the front of the stores? In especially warm weather, most A/C fans are displayed up front to generate impulse purchases by customers waiting in checkout lines or just entering the stores.

  • Agen July 10, 2007 (3:09 pm)

    We bought this Frigidaire window air conditioner from Amazon for our bedroom and it’s working great — surprisingly quiet both inside and out.

  • Eddie July 11, 2007 (7:05 am)

    4th Ave Costco had a (virtual) boatload of portable airconditioners right inside the front entrance when I was there Monday evening. Priced right about $100 or a touch over.

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