day : 10/07/2007 7 results

Weather on the water

5 pm temperature check: 89 at Boeing Field and Sea-Tac. Regarding ways to stay cool, the windsurfer we spotted in WS waters this afternoon (photo below) sure had the right idea. On the water is always the coolest place to be — check out this personal weather station on Beach Drive. If you don’t have your own board (or boat), maybe a ferry ride – here’s the Fauntleroy-Southworth schedule.


There’s always eBay

If you’re still in the market for a fan or air conditioner you’re not completely out of luck, but you’re running out of choices.

Here’s the mini-AC shelf at the Delridge Home Depot as seen just before noon.


And as of lunchtime this is what the fan aisle at Target looks like.


All heat wave, all the time: Lunchtime update

July 10, 2007 12:23 pm
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 |   West Seattle weather

According to the National Weather Service hourly temperature updates (KSEA is Sea-Tac, KBFI is Boeing Field, K91S is Alki Point but only shows windspeed, no temps; we’ll link to some personal weather stations later) — it’s about 80. Going for low 90s in the city but tomorrow’s in-city forecast alarmingly suggests possible upper 90s. Stay safe. For those of you pondering a movie to keep cool in those brutal early-evening hours, “Blades of Glory” at the Admiral at 6:45 pm might be just the ticket.

Scenes from a heat wave, morning edition

8:20 am, 70-plus degrees. Workers at Westwood Village Target are joking about someone interviewed on tv last night about how fast fans and air conditioning units are selling. They seem more impressed by how fast the interview went – five minutes distilled into five seconds.

At the front counter, a clerk is ringing up the first fan sale of the day. Out in the parking lot, closer to WaMu, a work crew is kicking up a dirt devil. And over Barton Street, looking east, the sun looks like 8 am Vegas more than 8 am Seattle:


Liberty sooner, or Liberty later?

nwartsstatuephoto.jpgTomorrow (Wednesday) night, at the height of the heat, you can multitask by cooling off at Alki and joining in a meeting outside the Bathhouse, to help determine the future of the statue that might otherwise soon earn a nickname like “Liberty in Limbo.” Seems the replacement for the old one (Northwest Programs for the Arts photo at left) is done but fundraising for the “plaza” to surround the new one is not, so a community meeting is being called to discuss, among other things, whether to just install the new one and be done with it sooner, or carry on with the “plaza” project and see the installment happen later. Read the meeting organizers’ explanation, in their own words, after the click:Read More

New public-school boss makes WS one of her first stops

July 10, 2007 12:18 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

districtsuperphoto.jpgDr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson (official district photo at right) has started work as Seattle Public Schools superintendent, and the P-I and the Times both note that she stopped at two schools on day 1, including West Seattle HS. (The writeup starts with a great aside about what was apparently her first trip on The Viaduct — which by the way got a status update in this Times article, in case you haven’t seen it already.)