Oh, this is a sad sight. Just found this post (with photos) about Lincoln Park playground damage, by local blogger Matt Rosenberg (on Sound Politics).
West Seattle, Washington
13 Monday
Oh, this is a sad sight. Just found this post (with photos) about Lincoln Park playground damage, by local blogger Matt Rosenberg (on Sound Politics).
I guess the recent Seattle weather put the “natural” in metronatural.
See the interview with the guy who thought that new Seattle tagline up: http://peoplegeek.wordpress.com/2006/12/16/seattle-straight-but-very-gay-acting-2/
Just posted a few pics of our experiences in the south end of WS in the aftermath of the storm, with three pics of Lincoln Park:
Lots of down trees.
Very sad, those are old trees.
Anyone out there notice that this happened right after the Seattle Airport made a huge ugly stink out of being asked to put up a Chanukah Menorah? They refused to have a Chanukah Menorah, and put up the Xmas trees, and really humiliated a wonderful rabbi.
Chanukah started Friday evening, and goes thru the coming Friday. Same as the “light have been out” in Seattle.
Sorry, comment time is over.