A plea to one of our resident rock stars

Interesting story in the P-I over the weekend.

My .02, I wouldn’t bet on Mr. Vedder getting involved in this particular issue. One of the recently paved-over greenbelt stretches on this side of WS is close to his digs, and that didn’t seem to stop the bulldozers. (If I were a rich person, I’d have pocketed those parcels for preservation’s sake; I’m not, so the best I can do is urban wildlife habitat in my own backyard. And front yard. And side yards …)

1 Reply to "A plea to one of our resident rock stars"

  • eric May 22, 2006 (11:34 am)

    While I feel for the residents of goergetown, what do you suppose should be done? I saw one of them complaining that they aren’t putting it in Queen Anne or Fremont. C’mon! Easy access to the freeway and railyard. Hate to say it, but y’all chose to live next to an airport, railyard, and an interstate highway. It is an industrial area, so what were you expecting??

    As long as it makes our government operations more effieicent, I am all for it.

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