Found tuxedo kitty near the bridge – November 18, 2012 9:49 pm

Approx. 5 mo old tuxedo kitty found Harbor Ave nr W Seattle bridge. It has very distinctive markings. Black with white bib & under belly, white paws and ring around left rear leg. White patch on nose with beige triangle near tip & white spot above lip left side. It was very scared & hungry, probably outside several weeks. I can email or text you a pic if you think this may be your kitty. Contact Melody at 935.1919

7 Replies to "Found tuxedo kitty near the bridge"

  • Moosmom November 19, 2012 (7:17 am)

    Does the kitty look like the one further down on the page named Tippy?

  • mehud November 19, 2012 (7:35 am)

    Probably dumped there at Kitty Harbor unfortunately. Glad she is safe now.

  • Gaynor November 19, 2012 (9:57 am)

    Tippy is full grown could this be Tippy please

  • melody windle November 19, 2012 (11:58 am)

    I have checked thoroughly and it is not Tippy. No ear tip and long hair. So sorry.

  • Gaynor November 19, 2012 (9:17 pm)

    Thank you will you be giving the kitty a home?

  • melody windle November 20, 2012 (9:25 pm)

    Actually if she is not claimed within about 2 weeks, she will go up for adoption at Kitty Harbor. Would love to keep her but have 3 already.

  • Gaynor November 21, 2012 (5:42 am)

    We are thinking Tippy might be gone so are interested in adopting a kitten if the little tuxedo needs a home

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