young lad who activates the light for me

Home Forums West Seattle Rants & Raves young lad who activates the light for me

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    Cheers for the young lad(and his father) at 35th and Trenton who activate the light for me when they see my bicycle headlight approaching…you make it easier to get across 35th on these busy mornings and I thank you for your kindness!! It’s a great start to my day!



    Jumping onto your thread webshaf~I have a ‘Thank You’ of the same topic.

    Most every morning there is a senior couple out walking who will do the same for my school bus when needing to make a turn onto 35th from a side-street using the pedestrian activated light.

    It started months ago when we would often encounter eachother at the intersection, we would arrive close to the same time and I noticed they would wait until traffic has lightened-up some before pressing the button, and they noticed that we (at that point usually 8 “little darilings” with me) were able to take advantage of their light to safely get onto 35th and continue on our route.

    One day he even scurried back up-hill (after crossing) to get the light for us, and now most mornings they’re standing there waiting for us and each time they get a whole bunch of Peace signs (two-fingered salute) and smiles from the appreciative driver and passengers AND they’re teaching the kids how easy it is to do something nice and favorable for someone else.

    Kudos to the white-haired couple!!!!

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