Why not the term Life Partner

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    Instead of Gays and Lesbians hijacking the term marriage the Government simply should acknowledge every person in this country is entitled to a Life Partner. Thus tax forms simply would inquire are you Single, Widowed or are filing with a Life Partner.




    WTH? so basically, Hooper, you are simply in the group that thinks that marriage is only for a man and a woman. Think about the cost of changing all documents that now read “married”….think about the cost to tax payers (that means you – capiche? )

    you gave yourself away by using the term “hijacking”..



    And what’s wrong with “marriage” for gay and lesbians??? Seriously?



    what is wrong with using the term Life Partner?



    and typically documents can be updated as old one run out!



    Hooper, let it go. Nobody “hijacked” anything. If down the road we decide as a society to take religion out of the marriage equation and create civil unions for everyone for day to day legal issues and let the churches deal with the ceremonial stuff, so be it. I don’t care about that religious component one way or the other.

    I am celebrating that we decided as the majority of voters to extend a fundamental right to a group that had previously been excluded. It was the right thing to do. I am so proud that we are among the first in the country to do so. The joy of our gay friends and neighbors who have waited for this for so long has been wonderful to see. And my marriage hasn’t been affected one bit.

    Sometimes you just have to realize that you’re on the losing side of an argument, fold your tent, and go home. Go home, Hooper. You lose this one.



    what is wrong with using the term Life Partner?

    Oh, the things that some people lay awake at night and worry about…



    Why does anybody here even respond to Pooper1961 anymore? He or she is like my in-laws who just like to come over to family gatherings and fight. I figured out long ago not to rise to their bait. There’s intelligent, reasoned conversation then there’s the stuff that Poopster1961 posts.



    I thought this was about term life insurance, a topic I would have loved to hear about. Alas. SO many successful civil rights movements have been based on this kind of thinking. Like when Black citizens had different bathrooms, lunch counters and fountains, it was much easier to just take all of these things away instead of integrating. Or when women wanted to vote and we just decided, what does voting matter anyway!? And took it away from everyone. Or when when interracial couples wanted to marry and…see how much sense this line of reasoning makes?



    For every right wing tool that post something twisted here, their are probably dozens who agree generally (or sometimes vaguely)with the post. Since RWT’s never post links, it is up to others to clarify the issue and point out the logical fallacies and factual inaccuracies (bald faced lies) in the OP’s diatribe.

    There may still be some right leaning folk who can be reached by logic and evidence among that silent audience.

    For example, the aggregate federal laws and rules contain thousands of statutes that use the word “marriage” as a legal term. Until these are reconciled one by one, there is no way to create a term that would actually be “separate but equal” which seems to be the fiction the OP was aiming for. Ironic in a county named for Dr King…



    Updating our law to current standards won’t change peoples perspective over night (if ever). We still have people in this country who haven’t made up their mind on inter-racial marriage. I’m just happy we’re moving forward.



    Spouse works just fine.

    How about you quit ‘hijacking’ the term “hooper1961” and we just all agree to call you “Ignorant Simpleton”? Thus, we all know exactly what we are dealing with.



    The problem with “life partner” is the same problem with the phrase “separate but equal.”



    One of the great lies the social conservatives got away with was the claim that gay marriage was “redefining marriage”. Allowing more people to get married does not “redefine” it. We still have the most basic meaning: two people who make a commitment to spend their lives together. A more honest argument would have been “should we restrict marriage?” But they did not want to go there.



    Did this country learn NOTHING from Brown vs. Board? Separate but equal is not equal. And if you’re so butthurt about the term “marriage” getting “hijacked” why redefine it for everyone? Marriage is a viable term for committing your life to someone – quibbling over who gets to use it is petulant and ignorant.



    How about we change all same sex partnerships to “MARRIAGE” on the form and then all straight partnerships to “BEST FRIENDS FOREVER” on the forms. That’ll give you a taste of how demeaning your suggestion would be. Walk THAT 100 miles, hoop.



    Perhaps it’s the straight people that hi-jacked the term marriage and held it hostage all these years.



    Hoop, I wanted to recommend reviewing the recently published list of “40 Things to Say Before You Die.”

    #1 on this list is “I Understand”

    “More important than being right,

    Or being important,

    Is being truly aware.”

    There is such an amazing swirl of happiness at the moment and you are missing it by focusing on those two words.



    Thank you, Fiona.

    I hadn’t heard of the list yet, and I think it’s well worth linking to its entirety:


    I believe you just whipped this thread into a very tasty pitcher of lemonade, that the OP started with some very bitter lemons…..




    With vitriol and venom everywhere! Clearly the Hooper has proposed a crime against humanity, that everyone must condemn.

    ‘Scuse me while I collect pelican feathers…who’s got some tar ready?



    JKB…I suppose one has to know the “hooper history”. This isn’t the first time that our dear Mr. Hooper has come on here to make “suggestions” as to how to save tax payers some money quite a few times.. He has proposed numerous not quite so nice things..like..you can’t afford health insurance? Poor planning, so you don’t get treatment – too bad. I think that this time, this marriage thing means so much to so many people, that he really hit a nerve..and people responded.

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