Stimulus Check?

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    Our government sucks arse so bad, I saw on the news the other night that some of us may not get the checks in until July now, and will be notified by mail if yours was one of the lucky ones that happened to be caught up in a glitch problem. If you got your check by mail only, please post here if you’ve received it.



    I got mine direct deposited last week. Please make sure that you thank President Bush as you deposit/cash your check to purchase all of your Obama/Clinton crap.

    If you think a Dem will ever put money back into your pockets, think again!



    my parents are in their 80’s…they’re on a fixed income…they’ve been retired for years and years..their small investments, pensions, etc do not keep up with inflation. Who do you think would need this “economic stimulus” money the most? people like them, you’d think…guess what…they get zilch…great stimulus…pat your little republican self on the back all the way to the bank, House…



    You can find out when to expect a your check by logging on the IRS web site. (Google “where’s my tax rebate” and you’ll get the details.”)

    Jan, can your folks get checks if they file this year? It doesn’t mean they have to pay taxes — just means they’ll get the check. Those loathesome dems added that to the bill, under threat of veto, but it got through. I’m not sure of the details, but it might be worth checking :-)



    I just got mine yesterday; it’s going into savings.



    FYI, I know a lot of people who’ve tried the “where’s my rebate” query on, and it seems to usually not work unless you check the status during the week it’s supposed to be issued. I was due to have it direct deposited the week of May 5 per the schedule, and as of May 2 it still said it couldn’t find my info. On May 5 it said it would be direct deposited on May 9, which it was.



    Dave Barry on the Economic Stimulus Payment

    “This year, taxpayers will receive an Economic Stimulus Payment. This is a very exciting new program that I will explain using the Q and A format:

    “Q. What is an Economic Stimulus Payment?

    “A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

    “Q. Where will the government get this money?

    “A. From taxpayers.

    “Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?

    “A. Only a smidgen.

    “Q. What is the purpose of this payment?

    “A. The plan is that you will use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.

    “Q. But isn’t that stimulating the economy of China?

    “A. Shut up.”



    Well, we’re not exactly going the retail route as the government intends. We’re commissioning a new work from a local artist friend. (But maybe he’ll go buy the big-screen TV.)



    JenV – Thank you for that morning laugh. Totally made me full on laugh. That one belongs in a Doonesbury cartoon. LOL



    I got my check yesterday and put it straight into savings. Hopefully it does not bounce!!

    I did receive a notice that I would be getting the payment deposited into the same account I had my tax refund direct deposited into. Instead I received the check, just happy I actually got it!



    I like the Tibbetts Church idea of giving some or all of the stimulus payment to the Food Bank. I don’t think they buy from China. Benefits people who eat and people who grow the food. Double stimulus!



    I need my check to use as a deposit for a new place next month because I can’t afford to pay the rent increase which was raised almost 3% two months ago, grrrrr. I’m now paying over $875 a month in rent which isn’t worth it unless you own the place which isn’t in my plans for different reasons. So, the stimulus will surely help my cause. I guess though free money is free money and I shouldn’t complain and be patient. But I don’t want to stay and pay that amount in rent next month. Its ridiculous and I’m willing to adjust my living conditions. It was fun living alone for a number of years, but cutting my rent down to almost half would be so much better for my wallet and mind and maybe god forbid make a few new friends. I don’t know about the rest of you millionaires here.



    JenV – that was priceless.

    Email me? We’re thinking about a BBQ next weekend. You guys in?



    Aim- sounds great! We’re busy Saturday…but Sunday is wide open! However, your email lurks somewhere in my orange purse…email me at




    JenV…that was wonderful…lolol…love Dave Barry

    jiggers…how big a place do you get for your $875/mo.?

    It’s a shame that you can’t find someone to go halfsies or threesies on renting a house…would cut expenses…but not seem like you’re “renting a room” that you can’t leave for the rest of the place. I understand how difficult it will be going from living alone to living with a stranger…I’ve lived alone since my divorce in 95(except for a few years with my daughter)…and I love it. I’ve made it happen so far…but it hasn’t been easy. I work at home, so would be difficult to share…I see clients here..and don’t see how it would work.

    Best of luck..still keeping my eyes open for ya…



    Aim – I had to go and open my mouth before checking in with the other 1/2. He made plans for us Sunday night. It’s Saturday evening/night we’re open. *self dope slap*



    I’m probably going to drop mine in my savings. That or replace some of my furniture. I’m doubtful I’ll even get one due to some tax shuffling I had to do (Got a refund of 40 bucks!)



    I used mine to pay off my car. I had one payment left and guess what the check came just in time for me to pay the car company for the right to own a car I have been driving for five years. But it came at a good time since I am now just getting back to work after 2 plus months being off. Now that the car is paid for I can now start paying off the credit cards. It is amazing how fast the balance goes up on the credit cards when you only use it for small purchases. So hopefully by this time next year I will be debt free. Of course there still are the property taxes to pay.



    celeste- congrats on paying off your car. I am going to use my stimulus check to make a few car payments too- although I am a loooong way from being paid off. Here is hoping the car karma gods shine upon you and nothing breaks now that it is paid off! :)



    I got mine a few days ago and it is sitting in my savings.



    No SSN, no refund! Friends of ours who’s spouse is a foreign national doesn’t have her SSN yet. They filed jointly using her ITIN number. Now learned that neither get the refund! He can ammend his return to file singly (she won’t get hers) or wait until next year when she will have her SSN. All because our esteemed Democrat Congress are so afraid that undocumented workers will get any of their money back…



    Ron, how would somebody even pay to begin with if they don’t have an SSN?



    Nevermind; I googled. Not very sympathetic, though.



    Let’s see….

    Bush’s approval rating sits at about 30%

    The national deficit sits somewhere around 4 trillion (intragovernmental)

    Why not “give” some money to the people to “boost” the economy? What’s another $152 billion?

    Makes Bush appear benevolent, and leaves an even bigger deficit for the Democrats to clean up. Win-win.

    Mine is going into savings to help buffer the impending Depression.



    I got a letter saying I would have mine by today. Guess what? No check in the mail. Liars.

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