Ron Paul caucus portal / meetup

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    Here are a couple resources about the caucus, if you support Ron Paul for Prez,

    West Seattle Meetup Group for Ron Paul



    As an undecided voter, why would I want to support Ron Paul?






    Well, the traditional way is to investigate what the candidate says and advocates …

    Life is a self service proposition.



    Just for fun.

    If anyone wants to really really discuss why Ron Paul is almost as dangerous a loon as Huckabee, then this seems to be the place, but do your own research first. There is plenty of time before the next primary where they go head to head for the 15th century vote. (South Carolina)



    Hey, honestly Ron Paul is the most trustworthy guy out there. You might not agree about all that he stands for but at least he is consistent (look at his voting record). If you supported Bush in the last election you can should be leary of anyone whom promises one thing……and then does another.

    Let’s end the one size fits all federal government….different regions of the U.S. should be run differntly as those regions represent different viewpoints/lifestyles. This what our founders wanted….That is what makes America great…..we can all live together promoting the message of freedom and individuality.

    Hey even if you don’t lik what Ron Paul has to say….at least let him say it!! (i.e. FOX news). The media should not control what or whom w ehear from!!!



    I have defended Ron Pauls consistency in other forums. It is his world view that is flawed.

    As far as those currently running for the Republican nomination, he is also the least hypocritical. Of course that bar is set by some world class hypocrites…

    I am happy to see Fox shut out and smear one of the candidates from the right, only because it was apparently required to break through the cognitive dissonance of Libertarians who had been strolling along unconcernedly on a steady diet of Fox propaganda and fear-mongering.

    Too bad the skepticism had to be kick-started in this manner but the Libertarians will probably emerge from this battle a little more relevant and focused.

    Democrats will applaud the return of the constitutional powers to the balanced powers of co-equal executive, congressional and judicial branches, but will fight the theocratic, militant paranoid and “privacy for me but not for thee” branches of the libertarian political movements.

    Hell, I might vote for him in the primary just to annoy the WA Republican party. The WA republicans are choosing half their delegates in the primary and the Dems are choosing all of theirs at the caucus. (note: Feb 9th, 1 pm at a school near you)

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