Romney – his own kind turning on him

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    “JoB, what are you talking about? What “remark”? I can’t say that people tend to vote in a way that favors their best interest? Whether it be people on food stamps and ever extended unemployment, or rich folk wanting lower taxes so they can keep more of their money…it is all them same.

    Obama has presided over an economy that has created more people dependent on government than ever before….of course they are going to vote for more free stuff. Who wouldn’t?”

    what if it’s not about the free stuff at all Smitty?

    What if it’s about not wanting to pick up the tab once again for the freeloading corporations and the rich have been doing on our dime?

    what if it’s about having enough sense to realize just how much you are getting shafted?

    what if?


    that’s not the story they are telling on talking head tv?

    do’t tell me you are you still listening to the guys who thought Romney would win?

    you do know they got that really wrong, don’t you?



    We will see… still haven’t seen a Democratic proposal to stop accumulating more debt let alone reduce what we have on the pile already… I see republicans offering new ways to raise revenues… some pretty reasonable. But damn… not a thing from the Senate or White House on their offer to cut entitlement spending. Why is that?



    ko00otch: what ideas have republicans proposed to increase revenue? we hear about “entitlement reform” on a daily basis, but i have heard no specifics from republicans and conservatives – and it isn’t for lack of looking and listening. i think everyone wants some specific ideas about reducing the budget deficit.


    The new balance of power means that Democrats who once would have acquiesced reluctantly to GOP demands for stiff benefit cuts are now balking at ideas such as chained CPI or an increase in the Medicare retirement age, as well as demanding GOP concessions to higher taxes.

    “The price for that kind of thing has gone up,” said a senior House Democrat who required anonymity to speak frankly on party strategy. “Negotiations depend on the situation. No one should expect to get the same kind of deal.”

    Read more:

    so here we are. you know where democrats are and where they want tax increases.

    so where are the non-“entitlement” cuts? this should be a no-brainer. you guys claim that there’s all kinds of wasteful pork spending that doesn’t involve paying benefits for things like food and health care to poor americans. i mean, republicans claim that the federal government is too big and does too much, which implies that it has all kinds of equipment and real estate and people on the payroll. should be easy target shooting.

    just stay away from food stamps, welfare, and health care, and this should be an easy exercise.

    come on, gentlemen. show me the $1,000 hammers and $500 screws.



    More Repubs hatin’ on Romney. Why, just three weeks ago he was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I wonder if we’ll be seeing him pop up on the Sunday talk shows as much as we see embittered loser Crusty McCain. My guess is no.



    This is funny too. Now Mitt is whining about the media and the GOP debates. Narcissistic dude just can’t figure out how such a perfect guy as himself could have lost.



    I have to say that I think it’s pretty craven the way Romney’s ex-pals are attacking and second-guessing him now. They had plenty opportunity to do that when he was on the campaign trail and he was saying exactly the same things. So why didn’t they?

    Guess they’re trying to be more like Democrats now, huh? I don’t get that. Why would anyone settle for a knock-off when they could have the real thing?

    No, imitating the Democrats won’t help the Republican Party now, I’m afraid. Clarifying their “jobs” message and taking it to the people will. Dumping Karl Rove will help as well.


    In retrospect, I think we can all agree that Romney could have been more careful about what he said. On the other hand, I don’t find anything especially shocking, offensive, or even novel in the Talking Points story.

    So . . . Democratic voters were bought off with gifts? Yeah. You could say that. I believe it’s called politics. Romney had his gifts (tax cuts) and Obama had his (free health care). Big deal.

    On the immigration thing, Romney’s only mistake was in his use of this term “self-deportation.” Clearly, someone in his crew should have been on that. But the concept itself shouldn’t be shocking to anyone. The fact is that if you want illegal immigrants to leave the country you have two options: You can have deport them forcibly OR you can create conditions such that they will leave of their own accord. Or in other words, self-deport.

    On the other hand, if you’re message to illegal immigrants is that they can stay indefinitely, you’ve got it easy. You can just sit there while Mitt puts his foot in his mouth. But really, isn’t doing nothing about immigration just another “gift”? A gift to Latino voters?


    Anyway, if Mitt’s finally learned to pick a position and stay put, then good for him. I admire him for sticking to his guns. I certainly admire him more than the Bobby Jindals of this world.

    If you will permit me a crude analogy, I would say that some in the Republican Party have been acting like eunuchs . . . while Mitt Romney is acting as if he still has at least half a set.

    And you know what they say . . .


          In the land of the eunuchs, the man with one nut is king.


    Have at, dobro. But please be circumcised.

    Er . . . I mean circumspect.



    no, DBP, they don’t want to be Dems. He’s being a fool, and showing his true colors. I think that since he ended up their candidate, they had to promote him, and now they are setting the record straight. His statements of the last week show how out of touch he is, from the “gift” statements to the whining. He is a CEO, and just expects things to go his way because he wishes them to. If those around him don’t say anything, then it will be assumed that they agree with him. Sometimes you just have to take your lumps, listen to the honesty around you, and get on with life. Sour grapes on his and your part.



    “…and he was saying exactly the same things. So why didn’t they?”

    Well, duh. He was the guy they were stuck with and they wanted to win.

    “Clarifying their “jobs” message…”

    They don’t have a jobs message to clarify. Or any other message besides “tax cuts for the rich-we hate unions and govt workers-self deportation for “illeagles”- and if you get sick, die quickly.”

    “Mitt Romney is acting as if he still has at least half a set”

    Romney is acting like a sore loser, a narcissistic twit that just can’t figure out why we didn’t all think he was great, even though he has no principles, stands for nothing but Mitt,and is the smarmiest, most unlikeable frat boy creep that has run for President (well, since GWB).

    Thankfully, he’s one nut that didn’t get elected king.



    oh, and I agree…Karl Rove needs to go flip burgers or sell insurance , and be told to go jump by anyone in politics. I agree, the people running the country need to get back to work and pass a jobs bill, learn the art of compromise. But Mitt needs a long vacation on some deserted island. The election is over. He lost. Time to move on.




    If the GOP are goign to set themselves on the path to a Latino candidate in 4 years to capture the Latino vote like Obama captured the black vote they need to dump Mitt.. plain and simple.

    their target audience didn’t like him..

    truth be told, they didn’t much like him either

    but they had to field somebody.

    Unfortunately this strategy simply reveals how shallow their message is…

    your message counts

    it’s too bad the talking heads haven’t figured that out yet.


    HMC Rich

    Listen up some of you left wing rocket scientists. Romney was trashed by many Republicans, before and after this election. You weren’t part of the process, other than accusing him of killing women who had cancer and other nasty lies.

    But, JoB’s last post is correct (for once).

    Once Romney was the nominee, most of the people in the Republican party supported him because he would be the man to unseat the Democrat in office.

    It didn’t happen.

    Businesses are now laying off people because the ACA is coming.

    Yeah, it has not been fully implemented but companies are taking steps to mitigate and control the costs.

    It is my opinion that enough progressives are in power that what should not have been found constitutional, has been. Seriously, if Roberts had decided to follow the constructionist view of the Constitution, the ACA would have been dead. But he did not. He went another way.

    What bothers this Republican is that the Federal and many state governments are running huge budget deficits. Now they want essentially an entitlement to be added to a huge budget that borrows 40 cents on every dollar. (If this had been Bush you would be screaming about it every day)

    Obama and Reid haven’t controlled the rising debt and deficits in the last four years. Do you really believe they are going to keep costs down with a new entitlement … I mean insurance plan?

    Anyway, don’t get too cocky. The Democrats always implode at some point.



    “Once Romney was the nominee, most of the people in the Republican party supported him because he would be the man to unseat the Democrat in office.”

    Exactly. They didn’t support him because he had any ideas, plans, or vision. He was just “the man to unseat the Democrat”. A perfect illustration of the dearth of thinking Repubs. They really thought a “I’m not Obama” campaign was good enough. The American people didn’t agree, as shown by an electoral landslide and the largest consecutive majorities a Democrat has won since FDR.

    “It is my opinion that enough progressives are in power that what should not have been found constitutional, has been.”

    Talk about whining. John Roberts is no progressive. In case you forgot, he was placed on the court and elevated to Chief Justice by GW Bush.He found it constitutional because A)it is and B) as chief justice, he didn’t want to go down in history as being a cheap political hack and decided to follow the law instead of the politics.

    “…a huge budget that borrows 40 cents on every dollar. (If this had been Bush you would be screaming about it every day)”

    You need to stop getting your budget info from kootchman. That’s a phony figure.And you probably don’t remember, but millions of people in the US and around the world were very upset about GWB causing the largest deficits in history by putting two wars off-budget and on the credit card. but I suppose since you weren’t paying attention to that yourself, as a lockstep Repub, you figure no one else noticed. you’d be wrong about that.




    the CEOs who couldn’t sell us Romney are now trying to sell us on cutting entitlements… and 0 corporate tax rates… saying that will stimulate jobs.

    The truth is that cutting entitlements will free up the budget for defense which will line their pockets…

    So the question becomes..

    are you going to buy their story ?

    or are you finally going to ask yourself why the people who are benefiting the most from our current economy are calling for austerity from everyone else?

    i think it’s time Americans started asking why the least among us should pay the highest price for an economic recovery that is only benefiting the few.

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