New Pemco personality? "Prius-Driver-Who-Needs-Two-Parking-Spots" guy/lady?

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    Now that this thread is sufficiently off topic.

    Cars are held to a much higher emissions standard. Also the 150cc scooters still run carbs. Cars did away with those 25 years ago.



    Ms. Scoot: So did you notice #99? Yep, it’s “Smug hybrid driver!”

    Don’t know what it says about me (other than maybe I need to switch to Pemco) that I fall into 7 of their categories? And there is certainly another in my future (#66, SO funny!). I am most proud of being #17, the “Relentless recycler.”



    Looks like they may have needed a handicapped spot.

    I’ve always want to have an a-hole parking section with lines going cattywampus. Once issued your a-hole tag, you park THERE.



    No matter how smug or blind the Prius driver is, his mileage also includes the emissions from the gas used to charge the batteries as well as the emissions of the power plant used to top off its batteries. Electrons aren’t free, they just seem that way. And of course all the emissions associated with mining of the lead in the batteries, and the constant drain associated with accelerating 900 lbs of lead to cruising speed. But it is Green…not.



    JayDee: Even factoring in the percentage of power lost to transmission over distances, generating electricity centrally at a power plant is probably more efficient than thousands of smaller power plants (and much less polluting when those vehicles lack catalytic converters as many motorcycles do). It is also more practical to scrub emissions at one point, though in the Pacific Northwest there is a higher likelihood that the power generation is from green sources anyway.

    But the rest of your argument works. And you should also factor in the not insignificant amount of energy it takes to transport electric cars, parts and batteries across the Pacific Ocean from Asia.



    Read all the way to the end of this excerpt:

    Does the pollution created during hybrid production offset the benefits of “green” driving?

    The answer might surprise you. According to an in-depth study by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, hybrid cars do, in fact, require more energy to produce than conventional cars, emitting more greenhouse gases and burning more fossil fuels during the manufacturing process. The production of hybrid batteries, in particular, requires much more energy than producing a standard car battery and results in higher emission levels of gases like sulfur oxide [source: Burnham et al].

    But do the environmental impacts of hybrid vehicle production outweigh the long-term benefits of driving a cleaner running automobile? That answer is a resounding “no.” If you drive both a conventional and hybrid car for 160,000 miles (257,495 kilometers), the conventional vehicle requires far more energy to operate and emits far more greenhouse gases over its lifetime, significantly canceling out any imbalance during the production stage [source: Burnham et al].




    Now watch this. But not while you’re eating breakfast. Because you’ll laugh so hard the milk will be coming out of your nose.*

    “Be part of the solution. Kill yourself.”




    *I mean soy milk, naturally.



    *There’s nothing natural about soy milk



    I know. It takes a ton of carbon to produce a single gallon of it.



    I love the path this thread has taken.* In fewer than one page, no less!

    *Earnestly. No sarcasm this time.





    handicapped spaces are not for the mentally handicapped

    even though the mentally handicapped often seem to feel entitled to use them



    I read that thread – or ten of them! Next time, I’ll do my best to assume the worst first.



    I admit it. It was me.



    I had a feeling. And you probably *did* have a baby in the trunk. Not wearing a hat.

    Tsk, tsk.



    Well, if it’s 10 degrees warmer in the car, she doesn’t need a hat, now does she?




    Normally I would be willing to give into your arguments because you are so persuasive. But in this case you have account for the electrical generation emissions generated by the hybrid. To do so might possibly push the balance the other way. The linked article acknowledged this and then ran away. Coal plants and transmission costs need to be factored in. It is great the NW has hydro…too bad we are the exception.



    JayDee, I thought the article was pretty clear on total costs of the Prius, but perhaps it wasn’t.

    FWIW: I agree that Prius owners can be annoyingly smug. They’re certainly not singlehandedly saving the planet as some of them seem to think. But on the other hand, at least they’re trying to do something about the problem of greenhouse gases. And I’ve got to respect that.

    When I see some people (not you) shooting down every effort to save energy or develop alternative sources I gotta wonder: Are these folks really interested in finding solutions . . . or do they just want to make sure nobody else does?


    On your statement that “electrons aren’t free” . . . That’s true in one sense, but it can be misleading. When I think about energy conservation, I always look at relative costs, not absolute ones. But perhaps that’s what you’re thinking here too. I guess it gets back to the question of how much energy the Prius uses overall, doesn’t it?

    If the Prius turns out to be an energy waster, then any electrons it uses will be “expensive” ones. On the other hand, if it turns out to be a energy saver, then those electrons will have been very cheap indeed.

    How cheap exactly? Too cheap to meter?

    Oh, I wouldn’t go that far.



    Belated pun:

    Furryfaces, post #6; cat got your tongue? (Or would that be fingers?) ;-)




    ever been confronted for taking a “car” parking space?

    Not yet, but some seem to not grasp that a motorcycle is permitted in HOV carpool lanes. That’s the thing about Seattle. You’re not going to find confrontation. We live in PassiveAgressiveapolis. Everyone is willing to take a stand as long as it doesn’t involve actually taking a stand.

    Trashing Priuses because one driver double parked? That’s a stretch.

    Nobody is trashing Priuses. Prius DRIVERS who are so self-important that they feel entitled to two spaces? Yeah, I’ll trash them all day long. I don’t write for South Park, So it’s quite obvious that I’m not the only one who has noticed this trait in their customer base.



    Was at TJ’s again early this evening, and the lot was full again… yet no one was taking up more than one space. Not even the large SUVs.

    There weren’t any Priuses there, though…

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