Moving to West Seattle & Lots of questions about schools!

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  • This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by MovingToWestSeattle.
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    We are planning to re-locate to West Seattle (from CA) & I am trying to research my school options (remotely – which is challenging)

    I would really love some feedback about the school options & process..

    Here is our situation: We will be moving to a home in the Arbor Heights Attendance Area. We will have a daughter starting 2nd grade, and a younger daughter a few years away from starting school.

    I have a number of questions and would appreciate any feedback on any of them!! I should mention our priorities in a school are of course educational opportunities and strong academics, but even moreso a comfortable, welcoming environment/culture, where are daughters can make good friends, get involved with activities, and feel safe and part of the community

    1 – I’m wondering if there are any West Seattle resources to link up with parents & learn more about first hand experiences with the schools?

    2 – Thoughts about the AH/Denny/Sealth track? (vs trying to get into a Choice or Option school in the north part of West Seattle?)

    3 – Our home is equally close to Gatewood. What are the chances of getting into Gatewood as a choice school in 2nd grade? What do people think about Gatewood vs Arbor Heights? Madison vs Denny?

    4 – What are the chances of getting into Pathfinder k-8 in 2nd grade as an option school? Is this a desirable option in West Seattle? What is the reputation?

    5 – What about the high schools? Thoughts about Sealth vs West Seattle? Are there big differences between the 2?

    6 – Do a lot of West Seattle families opt for private schools? Or are the reputation of the public school options fairly good?

    I know this is a lot of questions! Any feedback about any of them is much appreciated! And Again if anyone has resource ideas where I can find some parents to talk to about the school options to help inform our decision about how to proceed.




    West Seattle has two option schools. Louisa Boren STEM k-8 and Pathfinder k-8. No one is assigned to an option school – you have to submit a form (March-ish?) listing it as your preference. Selection is based on the following: 1) siblings in the school get first priority. 2) geographic zone. If you live in the geographic zone you get second preference. Geo zones are pretty small and you can find them online. 3) lottery.
    Both option schools have pretty long waitlists of students not getting in, so I think it’s safe to say these are sought-after schools. In my experience, if you do not have a sibling in the school and you do not live in the geo zone, the chances of getting a spot are slim. But if you like the school you might as well apply – it doesn’t cost anything and it doesn’t eliminate you from your second, third, etc choice schools.
    We have a first grader at STEM. Our experience with the school has been excellent. STEM was our first choice school. We also toured Pathfinder. Pathfinder wasn’t for us – but many people love it. We also really liked Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic school. That was our second choice.
    In the winter (Jan/Feb) most schools – both option and assignment – have open houses and tours. I highly recommend visiting a couple. You can talk to parents, teachers, principals, and visit the classrooms.
    As for assignment schools – you’re guaranteed a spot in your assignment school. If you want to attend a different assignment school you can apply for a spot and I believe they also give first priority to siblings and then it’s a lottery.
    Good luck and see you soon!



    I hope you have your eyes fully open to what Seattle is like these days. So much to consider beyond schools. This is a large city with a lot of crime, homelessness, government disfunction, piles of garbage all over. And with the West Seattle bridge still a long way from reopening, be ready to face a lot of traffic. What was once a nice place to live is now worn out, dirty, and lacking in the proper leadership to turn things around.
    I would not advise anyone to even visit this city in its sad state let alone move here.


    2 Much Whine

    Welcome to West Seattle! Despite what aa says this is a pretty awesome place to live. Unfortunately I can’t offer school advice that is relevant anymore as all my data points would be many years old.

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