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    “For instance, where can we obtain lithium? Not the US! Yes, we have some but, globally, we aren’t even in the market as a supplier. That would make us dependent on the good will of China, Chile, Argentina, Australia, etc. Bear in mind that, based off of the link that you attached from Tesla’s literature on recycling Li-ion batteries also notes that the lithium is, currently, not recoverable. That’s a problem.”

    That’s a perfectly valid point. I do not have an answer to that however alternatives are already being researched heavily as Musk realizes there’s isn’t enough to achieve his highest goal of regular interplanetary travel without having a solution to this problem. NiCD is not a viable option, neither is NiMH. Right now, Li-ion is the best we have but there’s no reason we can’t get much, much better. Na-ion has a lot of potential for starters:

    Al-air is showing a good amount of promise:

    Also there is work being done on Mg-ion, current-flow and many other alternatives. It’s an exciting time in the world of consumer and commercial electricity. :)



    Back to the subject of the thread, it looks like a third of Washington Electors weren’t “with her”:


    The Electoral collage did its job and confirmed Trump as president elect. So glad we are a constitutional republic rather than a mob ruled democracy.



    cD I don’t think you ever understood the original point of this thread; instead you chose to veer off onto tangents that suit your ideology rather than deal with the point the author of the original article made about Hillary Clinton’s candidacy representing an important statement about elevating the standing of women in this country and that her defeat was difficult for many women to assimilate on an emotional level. Hopes dashed; evidently something you are incapable of respecting even in victory. I know, you’ve already indicated that being gracious isn’t something you think has a roll in politics.



    JTB: I think there was a lot of political ideology wrapped up in the admiration of Hillary Clinton that had nothing to do with her gender. The last thing a corrupt politician like Hillary would do is raise the standing of anyone in this country other than criminals. If I have to be the one who gets blamed for popping the balloon, so be it. If democrats run a decent person of any race and gender, they will get respected.



    Captain Dave

    the biggest problem with your posts is that you think the phrase “i think” is the operative phrase here… and to heck with what anyone else thinks or wants or even needs…

    Do you know what i think drove this election? it sure as heck wasn’t love for Trump.. almost 3 million more Americans voted for the woman than for the Donald… it was all of those people who were faced with two choices and after listening to the kind of drivel that substitutes for thinking these days chose none of the above…

    I will admit that a good many of them never figured that the Donald would be the outcome .. but there you go.

    by choosing none of the above they chose to ignore the very real needs of the majority of our country’s population… the vast majority as it turns out.

    if that looks like a victory to you.. crow away.. because it says a whole lot more about you than it does about the state of politics in this country.

    Welcome to reality tv.. where A&E .. which once stood for arts and entertainment… has chosen to normalize the KKK with a reality tv show…

    i don’t think anything could say more about what this election truly represents than that



    JoB: Have you ever asked yourself why mob rule is not a good thing? If parents lose the popular vote for ice cream and pink pony rides after every meal, should they capitulate?

    A country consists of both its land and people. The land cannot vote, but it is vital to everyone’s physical survival. People living in condensed urban environments have no direct responsibility for the land that feeds, clothes and houses them–so they have a tendency to ignore the needs of people who are responsible for making the urban environment possible.

    The founders of America realized that it was far easier to politically influence dense urban populations in a way that would be subliminally detrimental to the country. i.e. false promises of uninterrupted supply.

    Our situation is no different today. Hillary promised “ice cream and pink ponies” (all the magic and wonders of socialism) to urban city dwellers while ignoring the mechanics of the supply chain. Politicians like Hillary never ask if people want to suffer the downstream effects because they would never win enough votes if they did. Do you think the people of Venezuela are enjoying the outcome of their mob-rule philosophy that was so easily transformed into a dictatorship when promises weren’t kept?

    The electoral college system was an ingenious method to bias the vote towards people with more responsibility. In the long run, (like responsible parents) the electoral college system just saved your behind.



    Captain Dave..
    oh the irony..
    “Have you ever asked yourself why mob rule is not a good thing?”

    Have you watched a Trump rally? You know where the participants still shout hang her?
    Have you noticed the rise in hate crimes? It’s not fiction.. it’s documented…

    and you wonder if i think mob rule is a good thing?
    well.. no.. i don’t.

    in this election the land did vote… which is how a country where one candidate got almost 3 million more votes than the other (and that doesn’t count the uncounted votes in s3 swing states that will remain forever uncounted if Republicans have their way) lost the Presidency.

    which you try to sanitize with some drivel about the urban masses having no connection to the land that feeds them.. got news for you bud.. the driving factor there had nothing to do with agriculture and everything to do with the exploitation of immigrants… those doing the exploiting were afraid those immigrants would vote them out of power…

    as for your understanding of international politics.. this really says it all

    “Do you think the people of Venezuela are enjoying the outcome of their mob-rule philosophy that was so easily transformed into a dictatorship when promises weren’t kept?”

    I don’t have the time or energy to educate you on Venezuelan politics today .. but the short story is that you couldn’t be more misguided about what happened there if you tried…

    and the “nut” from your post? Captain Dave i am truly glad you are not my captain because you just gave a ringing endorsement for dictatorships.. not democracy… nor even whatever it is that you so carefully label our nation to separate it from the principles of democracy.

    I have news for you Dave. You aren’t going to be part of that ruling class you think should call all of the shots in America… you jsut haven’t figured that out yet.. and when you do.. you will undoubtedly blame it on someone else.

    Your mansplaining bores me.. men telling women what they think and feel is the height of arrogance… as is ignoring the benefits you derived from being born in the right time.. at the right place .. of the right ethnicity (at the least being able to pass for the right ethnicity since you claim some minority status from time to time) … and most important of the favored sex for every ethnic status … and condemning everyone else who didn’t have your advantages as somehow lacking in personal character.

    I am not outraged. I am bored.

    I have already spent a lifetime having to think circles around people like you who thought their arrogance somehow passed for competence and i had hoped my granddaughters wouldn’t have to do the same.

    sadly.. they will be forced to excel beyond your wildest dreams just to keep up with that giant stepping stone you were born with… and they will.

    I read an interesting post today.. in a recent study.. in spite of the fact that male doctors are paid about 20% more and are awarded more research grants and promotions… using outcome figures from teaching hospital clinics.. they found that patients seen by female doctors had a much better chance of living longer and more productive lives… imagine that.. those “girls” kicked but where it counts.

    i wouldn’t count on being able to put that back in the closet Dave

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by JoB.


    Its ludicrous to think that the electoral college system was designed to subjugate votes of immigrants when the population distribution of newcomers favored rural settlement. Your argument is backwards. The electoral college system actually favored immigrants.

    Your statistics about women doctors are hilarious. Women live longer than men in general and prefer female doctors. Therefore female doctors have longer living patients. Duh.

    On one hand you advocate for gender equality, on the other you pitch your gender superiority? Which is it?

    Don’t let your hatred of white men cloud your thinking. It makes the discussion boring.



    “Don’t let your hatred of white men cloud your thinking. It makes the discussion boring”

    What JoB have a hatred for white men???? Didn’t see that coming ….. The only hate that I read is from you Capt Dave and its towards women and you don’t believe anything they say even when you know they are right and you are wrong…Is this going to be the problem for the next 4 years with you and other hateful white males lets go backwards 100 + years… you sir are so wrong and I see a apology coming from you towards JoB and the rest of the women in this forum ……



    Winner take all states are no different than the “mob rule” you refer to Dave. 50.1% of many state’s populations get to make the decision for the other 49.9%.

    “Its ludicrous to think that the electoral college system was designed to subjugate votes of immigrants when the population distribution of newcomers favored rural settlement. ”

    It was initially created to protect slave states.
    “Instead, the Electoral College was created to reflect the political realities associated with accommodating the institution of slavery into our electoral system. Under a direct election system, the southern states would be at a significant disadvantage because their slaves could not vote. Through the Electoral College and the Three-Fifths Compromise, however, partially counting the slaves when determining the number of presidential electors allowed southern states to rival the electoral power of their northern brethren.”




    Posting this, FWIW, although I’m sure the Captain will choose to discredit the source:





    J242: Each state is a democracy. The federal union of states is not. Here is a good explanation of why you want the electoral college system:


    FairVote.org is seems to be linked to George Soros and has an agenda to strengthen left leaning population centers:


    If you like the idea of losing your freedom to despotic global socialism/communism as many here do, than abolishing the electoral college is an excellent idea.



    Captain Dave

    your guy praised Putin and you still write this?

    “If you like the idea of losing your freedom to despotic global socialism/communism as many here do”




    Capt. Dave…to you I say…WTF? The fact that you actually share that crap, and believe that crap astounds, amazes me. You are posting like the ignorant trolls on Facebook. You actually want to be taken seriously? It’s done, it’s over…your guy won, for God’s sake…what the hell are you even doing here but to troll, gloat, and make absolutely no sense in the real world? Go off and live your life that you think will be wonderful now because you Putin loving idol is president. Come back in a year and tell us all how wonderful everything is, compared to how it was before he was elected…you know, with that do nothing, Muslim, Kenyan born black man who has run this country into the ground the last 8 years. That’s what you believe, right?

    Oh, and can you tell me exactly which freedoms I’ve lost because of our current president and government? I’m trying to make a list, but coming up with not much. Maybe you can help…or just tell us what freedoms YOU’VE lost.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by JanS.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by JanS.


    oh, and when it comes to dividing lines, my friends, may I introduce you to North Carolina…where gerrymandering has set that state on it’s heels. Talk about mob rule…geez!



    JoB: It won’t be the first time the US teamed up with the Russians to beat progressive fascists.



    Dave: “Each state is a democracy.” In theory but gerrymandering by the right often, as they completely intend to, makes their minority win. That slaps democracy in the face.


    Why do the politicians who you agree with have to redistrict areas in order to win? Could it possibly be that their ideas and intent are not in alignment with the majority of those they wish to govern? Naw, couldn’t possibly be that could it?! lol


    Also, before you start attacking sources, might be best to research your own Dave. George Soros “controlled media”? Yeah, the big bad boogie-man who apparently can’t sway any elections this or in the last countless elections. Please, get a grip. OSNet Daily is a conspiracy site full of trolls with no paper-trail. If you are going to question someone’s sources, please don’t go to the bottom of the barrel. You’re only wasting everyone’s time.



    J242: Everything that opposes the leftist point of view is a conspiracy theory.

    The bottom line is that the “progressive” (regressive) liberal agenda suffered the biggest losses in our lifetimes. You can continue to blame everything under the sun, but the truth of the matter is that the smart people won.

    It was liberals that pushed for relaxing drug laws and legalizing marijuana to dumb down the electorate. Liberals use a lot more drugs than conservatives, so it’s no surprise that so many screw ups were made by Democrats across the country.

    It’s pretty apparent that the aggregate intelligence of progressive liberals will continue to decline due to drug use. Promoting the use of recreational drugs was probably the single most damaging thing that liberals did to themselves over the last eight years.



    Captain Dave..

    the smart people won?
    are you talking about the voters who voted for Trump or the cabinet he is putting in place…
    because neither group has the kind of credentials that would justify labeling them the smart people..

    in fact.. the opposite is true

    just saying



    dang .. i missed the best part and only saw it as i was exiting…
    now we are all druggies?



    Dave: “Everything that opposes the leftist point of view is a conspiracy theory.”

    I never said that, I said the source you used publishes conspiracy wonk. You want to compare sources? You’re the one who brought it up. I will absolutely go toe to toe, source to source on this. You’ve got an anonymous page which has openly called the Paris attacks of 2015 a “false flag” operation and compared it to 9/11. This is the source YOU linked to. Maybe you should investigate your sources before trotting them out.

    “You can continue to blame everything under the sun, but the truth of the matter is that the smart people won.”

    YOU brought up a point about mob rule however, without redistricting and gerrymandering, on a purely numbers vs numbers basis HRC would have gained more electoral college votes. Period. Gerrymandering is not conspiracy, it is unfortunately legal and very well known & understood. Just because this reality is over your head doesn’t mean it’s false, it only means you need to do a little more learning before forming your opinions.



    Dave: “It’s pretty apparent that the aggregate intelligence of progressive liberals will continue to decline due to drug use. Promoting the use of recreational drugs was probably the single most damaging thing that liberals did to themselves over the last eight years.”

    What??!! Yeah, all of those medical professionals and law enforcement members must have been out of their minds in trusting adults to imbibe a non-toxic substance. Oh and all of that tax revenue it’s been generating? That’s just horrible stuff too. What of the free market it’s created out of the previous black market? I thought you were all about commerce and free trade?!

    Your bridge is calling you, best not get caught out in the sun you might turn to stone.



    J242: I am not here to filter anything for you–just to provide you with other possibilities to your conclusions. Gerrymandering is nothing new. It’s just part of the game that both sides have played since the beginning. The process sort of weeds out the dummies to assure that we have candidates who can at least count.

    I have always opposed taxing vices because it’s a conflict of interest. “Sin” taxes ultimately just cause more “sin” for the sake of increasing revenue to pay the social costs of said “sin”. I am morally against the drug trade–legal or otherwise.

    JoB: “now we are all druggies?” – I hope you are not ALL druggies. But that would explain why so many liberals were incoherently blind-sided this election season. Are you contending that drugs do not affect intelligence?



    Dave…are you contending they do? As a blanket statement, I mean, covering all drugs? Are you just talking about illegal ones?



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    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by JanS.
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