helicopter over lower Gatewood/Fauntleroy?

Home Forums Open Discussion helicopter over lower Gatewood/Fauntleroy?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by WSB.
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    What’s with the circling helicopter?



    According to King County Sherriff’s Office Air Support FB page:

    Helped @SeattlePD search for car prowl suspect in west Seattle. He was detained by patrol in Lincoln Park.




    Oh, and it’s over on the WSB main page as of a few minutes after you posted here.

    I just hadn’t made it that far since getting back online after lunch. :-)



    thanks Mike, I thought she’d be on top of it, but wondered if there was something people were seeing in the meanwhile.



    Sorry to be a few minutes behind on this one … we were on the Genesee Hill Elementary tour, somebody texted and I immediately called SPD media to ask if anything major was happening in the Morgan area, but they didn’t see anything they thought was helicopter worthy, so all we could do was break away and drive south to try to look, and it took a while. As it turns out, it really WASN’T a huge major deal but the fact Guardian One was in the area anyway and offered to help look, turned it into one in people’s perception. We’re glad they often tweet, as they did today, after they leave a call, because that’s what pointed us to Lincoln Park, where we found all the officers and therefore some information.

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