Gatewood After School

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    Hi. We just moved to West Seattle. My daughter is entering 5th grade at Gatewood. We are too close to the school to receive bus service, but it’s still about a mile away from home. I’m a single parent with a f/t job so it will be difficult for me to pick her up every day after school, and I’m not comfortable with her walking home by herself. I’m wondering if anyone has advice for how to handle this? Thanks!



    Welcome to West Seattle (and Gatewood!). It’s a great community.

    There is an after school program on site – older kids do homework and hang out (sports, snacks, field trips, etc).

    You could also find out if there is a kid close by so she could have a buddy system / walking school bus situation.

    Good luck!



    Also new to the area, I found CDSA awesome! Not sure how/if there is service at Gatewood, but it would seem they could bus. Great program, very affordable.



    matttreacy – if there is a neighborhood friend she can go home with ask the office for a “green card” which authorized her to go home with a friend on the bus



    I’m not sure if you are in a position where you might be able to pay someone but there are a couple ad’s on craigslist of people offering before & after school care.

    Here is one specifically for gatewood

    Bet it isn’t more than $15 a day or so



    Thanks all for your help!

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