Endolyne Triangle Traffic: City does nothing

Home Forums Open Discussion Endolyne Triangle Traffic: City does nothing

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    Perhaps I remember incorrectly. I thought the WS Blog reported months ago that the City was going to turn part of the Endolyne triangle into a one-way street “come the first nice 3 days in a row”. It is now July and nothing has happened.

    But in searching for that article I did find this telling paragraph from November 7, 2014:
    From last night’s traffic/transportation forum organized by the Fauntleroy Community Association: Residents voiced frustration at what they saw as a history of all talk/no action, leaving them bringing up the same problems year in, year out.



    I don’t have an update because we weren’t able to cover this month’s FCA meeting. But they are well aware that the promise of getting the changes made when weather permitted has not yet been kept. Our May report said they’d been promised it would be done by the end of June. I haven’t been down the hill there in a few days but as of earlier this week, I believe it was status quo.

    @ Fauntleroy Community Association: Updates on ‘house or parkland?’, Endolyne Triangle

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