Charter Schools in Washington – history lesson

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    I don’t think SPS is teaching to any denominator, higher … lower. My kid had a 1.60 grade average 2 days before he graduated; miraculously, inexplicably, it became a 2.40 the following day. I just watched the IEP lady shuffle 40 crazy pieces of paper around for 15 solid minutes–not a word passed between us. Twelve years of that crap and I still couldn’t tell ya how they operate. Anyhow … 4.0 among his 3 community college classes this semester. SPS is broken and criminal. If I had the time and the mindset to follow-up with an attorney, I could have his college or start-up business expenses paid for by taxpayers.




    I would love more information about your experience at Maharishi. I have seen the school and been intrigued. We are working towards something similar at our small school. Would love to speak further about it. Thanks!



    i had a son in the public schools JanS.

    the PS’s do work for the most part for students with involved parents.

    students that tend to do poorly (yes there are some exceptions) are those from single parent households that were enabled by government social welfare programs. one way to improve PS’s is to stop enabling single teen parenthood.



    hoop, your child’s education was enabled by Seattle taxpayers…..




    actually not, burien taxpayers




    “students that tend to do poorly (yes there are some exceptions) are those from single parent households that were enabled by government social welfare programs. one way to improve PS’s is to stop enabling single teen parenthood.”

    are you aware that the number one most effective way to prevent teen pregnancy is to make birth control available?

    Yup! that’s a fact.

    however, ending teen pregnancy won’t end the rising numbers of single mothers

    responsible men who don’t divorce their families and try to pay as little child support as they can get away with would do more to end the “problem” of single mothers than ending teen pregnancy.. which btw is at an all time low.

    poverty is the biggest problem hoop…

    and single working mothers are more likely to be raising their children in poverty than any other demographic group.

    those programs that you call enabling are the only thing that keeps those kids from living on the streets and eating out of the local garbage bins.

    if you had any concern for raising the educational possibilities of those children

    you would be fighting for the government to enable those kids more.



    JoB I agree making birth control available. There are condom dispensers at Community centers; thus making it available.

    Adoption would keep the kids off the street and off the government dole!



    The Maharishi School that I am referring to in post 23 takes a unique approach that affects the lives of the students in a way whereby the normal problems of education and the students disappear.

    Our children are just a younger, less “mature” form of any human being. If there is anything we can agree upon about people is that we are not using our full potential.

    We can sense that we could be smarter, more creative, more loving, more motivated. We could know ourselves better.

    So you may able to agree that the problems we see in our schools are a microcosm of what we see in the rest of the world. When we are using a fraction of our potential, then voila: problems, struggle and strife are the norm.

    What we have now are students who come to school and they are not very awake, they are not very alert, they are frequently stressed, and marginally intelligent and creative.

    Our teachers, no matter what their level of skill and enthusiasm, are working with a mostly unreceptive audience. You’ve got a few students in the front row that are awake and attentive but how many others are preoccupied at best and some are unconscious, i.e. asleep.

    So the approach of consciousness based education is to awaken and increase the conscious capacity of every student. The students in these schools quickly grow in self knowledge and begin to comprehend that the growth they experience in their own minds and bodies is the same as the growth in nature and world in which they live. Learning becomes more exciting as they see how interconnected they are to their world. They graduate with a keen sense of who they are and the mental functioning and motivation to be successful and fulfilled with whatever future they choose.

    Hi rnmetty

    You can call me at (425) 221.3203 to discuss my and my children’s experiences at the Maharishi School



    There are condom dispensers at Community centers; thus making it available.

    Well, that solves everything, doesn’t it?





    deadbeat dads paying their child support would get a lot of kids off the streets too

    a woman shouldn’t lose her kids just because the man that fathered them is a louse



    miws personal responsibility! taxpayers should not pay for someone else failure to be reasonably responsible should they?

    JoB and I as a taxpayer should not be forced to be the surrogate father either. ADOPTION is a win win




    you are talking to an adopted child

    who gave her firstborn son up for adoption because of the myth of that adoption win win philosophy

    I am lucky enough to now have a connection with my son and his family

    but i can tell you from experience

    adoption is not the win win it’s made out to be

    the mothers lose big time no matter how well the fairy tale plays out

    and the kids lose too.

    if you grow up in a household that is full of people who look like you, smell like you and act like you ..

    you can’t even conceive of the isolation that adoption can cause …

    because that kind of isolation would never occur to you.

    Some adopted kids are lucky enough to be raised in homes full of love, acceptance and diversity and weather it well..

    some not so well no matter how loving the home they are raised in.

    I will forgive you for being young and naive Smitty..

    but even if adoption were the answer..

    there aren’t enough homes…

    the overflow of unaccepted kids moves from foster home to foster home never really belonging anywhere

    which is supposed to beat the institutionalization that was common in my childhood.

    a smart taxpayer would recognize that the programs you resent paying are a smart investment..

    and not just for the kids we invest in

    every dollar spent there saves us several down the road

    incarcerating people who weren’t fed and housed and weren’t able to take advantage of their educations as kids is really really expensive hoop…

    not to mention paying their housing and medical care when they transition out of penal care.

    the policy you promote is not only mean, it is penny wise and pound foolish.



    I once defended hooper on here because I thought people were being too hard on him . . . <grin>

    As it turns out, they weren’t being nearly hard enough.

    Sorry Jo. Sorry Jan. Sorry Ken. I was wrong.

    It’s very difficult to engage with a guy who publicly says things like, “No charity care at hospitals” or “People on welfare should have their kids taken away and put up for adoption.”

    It’s too bad, really, because the guy could be saying something perfectly reasonable, but all I can think of when I see one of his posts now is those earlier statements of his.

    No charity care.

    Put welfare kids up for adoption.

    If hooper should take it into his head to retract those things, I’m sure I could forget and let bygones be bygones.

    But until then . . . Sorry. Can’t do it, Sally.

    Not even for old time’s sake.

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