Can we drop this now?

Home Forums West Seattle Rants & Raves Can we drop this now?

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    perhaps it’s time to stop grading our politicians on which political team they bat for and concentrate on results. Are you happy with the outcome of Murray’s term as mayor? if you aren’t boot his behind out the door. If you are.. vote for him again and you are sure to get more of the same.

    ironic note.. i edited my post to add the word political in front of team before even hitting send… hopefully to avoid being misunderstood :(

    speaking has become a political and social minefield


    T Rex

    I think the Mayor’s future re-election may have just been derailed based on the bombshell the Seattle Times just dropped on him.



    T Rex.. whether the bombshell is correct or not.. i think the Mayor’s future re-election had already been derailed by political scandals of his own making.

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