Admiral Car Ranchers – Rant

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  • #586549


    Who ever the guy is with the “Police Car” Posse.. Do you really need to leave all four of them parked in random (obiously to skirt parking laws) places between California to the West, 35th to the East and Between Charleston and Andover. I see them every where when walking the dog. I’m having a great time logging right in and turning your plates in to get that beautiful orange tag slapped on. I hope your enjoying scraping them off as much as I am getting them put on there !



    ?I don’t understand. It sounds like someone is parking four police cars in random locations in West Seattle? What am I missing?



    If these are the former police-type cars with the “Club” on the steering wheel then all I have to say to you Mr JT is RIGHT ON! There has to be five or six and I see them all over when walking my pooch.  I’ve thought about taking down the license plate numbers just to know how many of them are out there.Thank you for taking the time to report the owner as these cars are just a nuisance!  I’ll think of you, Mr JT everytime I see one orange-tagged.  :)

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