Reply To: Vote out Lisa Herbold



so. you overturn the head tax… which in effect does little more than roll back a really small portion of the concessions we gave those corporations to do business here in Seattle…. because.. it’s “head” tax.. and that isn’t right…

that’s the Seattle way.. right.. I don’t like the way that sounds.. it’s not perfect.. kill it.

What is your solution? Because the reality is that some of those employers who would be forced to pay a head tax also pay so little that after paying rent.. if they can… their employees utilize our food banks to feed themselves and their families.

You are already paying a head tax .. you just pay it through social services and your donations to those who are less fortunate than you.

and then you complain about Seattle property taxes and Seattle rents and and and….

does this really make sense to you?
will throw the b…s out and show them who’s boss really improve anything?

just asking.. would love to hear some answers that go beyond.. this just isn’t right