Reply To: Dog and Bike laws



Any thoughts on why the city ignores their own leash laws??
The police have more important things to do, like dealing with real crime.

Seeing more bikes with flashing strobe lights. According to a past Seattle Times “traffic lab” article these are illegal-they gave the smc#. Also there are helmet laws. Why does the city ignore?
See above.

Question for the bike riders: if you don’t like these laws why aren’t you working to change them?
Why would I waste energy trying to change a law that an already overburdened police force is never going to enforce? Also, I’m going to continue to shine my annoyingly bright helmet mounted stobing light at approaching cars. Why? It gets their attention when they are distracted texting, puting on makeup, reading the paper and drinking their 600 calorie lattes when considering making a left turning in front of me.