Reply To: Would You Like Your Change? Well, Ugh, Yes… Metropolitan Market



i too grew up with a depression era parent who was penny foolish in many of her choices.. and as a result i grew up to be the woman who could survive a natural disaster with her well stocked pantry.. restocked by sales at the market i visit that day for other purchases… i literally don’t leave the store without checking the sales and the managers close out bin.
I get it.

i also get that change adds up.. which is why i contribute to change jars by cash registers whether they are charity driven or not… but.. that change hits my palm first.. because I think it should.

i wish more stores had jars or cups or whatever next to their tills because what i carry home from those that don’t weighs heavily on my shoulders.. and quickly accumulates in the change jar..

we are doing well financially right now… but i have never forgotten the times when that change jar was literally the difference between eating.. and not. When it’s full it serves that purpose.. for someone else.. and i start over.

i think i have found a balance between my parent’s foolishness and gifting the local merchant with additional and unexpected profit… but it is my balance.

if yours works for you.. it works for you.