Reply To: NO TV on Friday




“don’t you tired of this?” — No. I am relentless in the pursuit of Truth.

“FYI.. the two groups of people you mention were the root cause of that emancipation you cite..” –Duh. Those who wanted slaves were in conflict with those who didn’t think it was right. Of course, I know that you disagree with this because they were all evil white men.

“if this were true. .the disparity between the incomes of the middle class and those of the wealthy would not be so large…” — The elite who enjoy the upper end of the wealth disparity all supported Hillary to continue Obamas policies–Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Buffet, Soros, and everyone on Wall Street don’t want anything to change. Locally, Seattle has been under 100% progressive liberal control for a long time and disparity is worse than it’s ever been. Other liberal cities like Chicago, San Francisco, and Baltimore have enormous wealth gaps. Where is the evidence that iron-fisted progressive liberal policies reduce wealth disparity?

“Are you one of those who would welcome McCarthyism Captain Dave?” I welcome a serious congressional investigation into subversive activities of foreign-funded organizations. I think there is sufficient evidence that un-americn activities have been instrumental in brainwashing half the country into believing non-sense. The people who are responsible for attempting to transform America into a socialist/communist country should be removed from government. I don’t think it’s natural for people to be marching for tyranny. But that’s just my opinion.

“Is it ok with you if i spread rumors about you.. if i can get enough people to say it’s true.. then who needs due process.. ” — Haven’t you done this already? Where was your due process and evidence in accusing me of being a white supremacist, racist, and misogynist because I voted for Trump? You claimed that the color of my skin made me a privileged white male who owes retribution for all the alleged ills of my ancestors–(even though my family din’t come here until after slavery ended). If your logic were valid, than I should be receiving retribution for the oppression from the descendants of those who ran the Ottoman empire.

“that was the process that defined McCarthyism” — I don’t care about what the process was, I am making a point about the cause that started the concern–which was too much communist influence in our government. I trust our government to follow the law now that we have some honorable people in office.

Redblack: I prefer to debate rather than fight. Why do liberals so often want to resort to violence when they run out of meaningful words? If logical discussion doesn’t work for you, then just abstain. Otherwise, you can usually find me down on the docks.

Lincoln was the furthest thing from Marx because he advocated for individual freedom, not collectivism. He remained consistently resolute in pursuit of equal rights, even though he was managing a country that was ideologically torn apart by slave holding Democrats. Why do you think Trump held the inauguration at the Lincoln Memorial?

You claim that Trump represents the 1% aristocracy that financed Clinton? You make no sense.

By the way, what’s with James Hoffa praising Trump? Are you lefties going to start trashing the teamsters now?