West Seattle Weather Watch: Yes, that’s thunder

We heard the rumbling through our west-facing windows, but weren’t entirely sure about its source till we doublechecked the forecast; then we got a note from Scott with a screengrab of current radar, and it’s definitely thunderstorm action moving in from the south. If it gets to the lightning stage, photos always welcome; editor@westseattleblog.com!

5 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Yes, that's thunder"

  • KM August 17, 2008 (4:27 am)

    I was awakened by the beeping alarm on my UPS unit in the computer room, no power outage but most have been a brief surge or brownout of some kind. Then lightning lit up the windows – now watching some incredible lightning play to the southeast!!!

  • Adri August 17, 2008 (4:30 am)

    I woke up to a boom and a flash. Thought I was crazy, so I got on the computer right away to check. Thanks (:

  • Rich August 17, 2008 (5:19 am)

    Wow! I was still up when it started around 3ish. Talk about a great show visible from the Arbor Heights area! I watched and listened as the storm moved up from Burien and seemed to stand still or perhaps start moving east somewhere over Roxbury.
    As the flashes started to diminish around 5am, there was even a brief bit of light rain that followed the lightning.

  • Christopher Boffoli August 17, 2008 (10:37 am)

    Seattle is a routinely impressive place. But lightning is definitely one of the things I miss most about the East Coast. When I lived in Charleston, South Carolina frenetic electrical storms were a daily occurrence in summer as the hot, humid air of the day would build into massive gray anvil clouds that in the afternoon would eventually burst into torrential rains and a fireworks show of lightning that would impress even Nikola Tesla. WIth all of the metal roofs in that city, along with dozens of lightning-attracting church steeples, it was as if the place were made to enjoy electrical storms. No such luck in Seattle.

  • JanS August 17, 2008 (10:52 am)

    Interesting…I’m in the Admiral District, and was actually awake at 3am. Never heard thunder or saw lightning, but I was gifted with a rousing chorus from the partying seals(sea lions?)from down near Salty’s wafting through the air and up the hill…was pretty humorous…

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