West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary interrupted by dog?

Just out of the WSB inbox from Marc in Highland Park:

Neighbors’ house was broken into on Friday, they kicked the door down. I was home early and called the police when I noticed it. Their dog seems to have spooked the burglar and as a result the theft was not too bad, but this was bold. Broad daylight, front door kicked in. Other neighbors reported seeing a light green van in the area that may have been involved, but no license plate. We’re up near 13th and Trenton [map], keep your eyes open!

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary interrupted by dog?"

  • c.c December 6, 2009 (6:53 pm)

    Glad to see a story that turned out well. Seems as though dogs that are left out in the yard (as long as they are well taken care of) do serve a very important purpose sometimes…

  • Michael December 6, 2009 (8:43 pm)

    Just a note, although people seem to think “broad daylight” burglaries are “bold,” the prime time for burglars is during the work day – there are far fewer people home than any other time.

    The dog might have helped even more if it had been in the house.

  • Xylle December 6, 2009 (9:04 pm)

    Where does it say the dog was outside?

  • Marc Bowers December 6, 2009 (10:19 pm)

    Dog was in the house. The bold aspect to me was the front door is in plain site of the road and on a relatively busy street. The thief just didn’t care. Shame the home owners don’t have wolves or cougars instead of a nice family dog.

  • samson December 7, 2009 (5:57 am)

    Dog? hope it works for a dog to scare burglaries away as my rotty works for me as his bark is so mean. German Sheperd, Rotty could work to protect your homes… Happy Holidays and think wise to hide gifts…

  • c.c December 7, 2009 (3:02 pm)

    you are right xylle, it didn’t say the dog was outside! Thanks for putting me in my place…

  • Travis December 22, 2009 (1:21 pm)

    I live at 13th and Kenyon and am self employed and home a lot.
    During the summer, when there was a rash of break ins in our hood someone knocked on our door. Note, we have a no soliciting sign on the door. When I opened the door the guy was already down on the sidewalk, heading around the corner. When I called to him he kept walking and said he wanted to know if I needed my lawn mowed. He had no mower.
    When I told my roommate about it he said there was, most likely, a vehicle close by to assist the perp if no one was home. I’m assuming his next move was to enter my backyard, had I not answered the door.
    While the practice of getting to know your neighbors is, sadly, not as common as it used to be, I’ve been spending time paying attention to who lives and hangs out on my block. If I see someone I dont recognize I take note of what they are up to.
    Rather than getting a gun, or putting up a fence, do something human like saying hi to your neighbors and getting to know them a bit.
    If we all watch out for each other its going to make it a lot harder for them to break into our houses.
    Having a dog is always helpful in protecting your home, plus they are great companions.

  • Alison December 28, 2009 (11:57 am)

    Thanks for the comment Travis- we live very close to that area as well- on 10th. So the more folks that are looking out for each other in this neighborhood the better.
    My husband works from home as well- so that helps. But- just knowing that other neighbors are looking out for suspicious activity- is comforting.

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