UPDATE: Man stabbed to death along Alki Avenue SW

(WSB photos by Christopher Boffoli)

10:12 PM: Police and fire are headed to Alki/Harbor for a report of a possible stabbing. More to come.

10:16 PM: Per scanner, police are closing Harbor to traffic NB where it turns into Alki.

10:19 PM: Victim has life-threatening wounds, also per scanner. Other routes to Alki might be closed because of the search – such as California Way and Bonair – so avoid the area.

10:40 PM: WSB’s Christopher Boffoli is at the scene and says the victim has died. This is the second homicide case in West Seattle in less than four weeks, since the deadly shooting at West Seattle Stadium on May 8th. Last year, there was one murder at Alki – we noted that May 23rd marked one year since 23-year-old Jordan D. Thomas was shot and killed at 62nd/Alki; that case remains unsolved.

10:53 PM: No arrest(s) reported so far. No clear description of the killer(s), either, but police are reported to be canvassing for surveillance video in the area as well as potential witnesses.

11:44 PM: After resolving a communications problem, we’re receiving images and information again from our crew at the scene. If you are having trouble placing where this happened, the victim is on the Alki Trail, just to the right of the right edge of the photo above; Christopher says it’s directly across the street from 1140 Alki SW. Also note, roads into the area remain closed.

12:05 AM: Christopher reports that homicide and CSI personnel continue arriving. He meantime is expecting a briefing soon from an SPD public-information officer who has arrived and is getting briefed.

12:35 AM: Christopher has just talked with SPD spokesperson Det. Patrick Michaud, who says the victim was in his mid-20s. Police do not believe this was a random attack. Nor do they have a description of suspect(s) or vehicle. Det. Michaud also confirms there is an additional crime scene at which they recovered a glove, and says police are interviewing witnesses and friends of the victim as well as reviewing surveillance and dash-cam footage from the area. If you have any information, you’re asked to call SPD’s homicide/assault tip line at 206-233-5000.

1:35 AM: Added above this line, Christopher’s video of what Det. Michaud told him at the scene.

SUNDAY NIGHT NOTE: No new information today. Sometime between this morning and evening, someone left a few flowers at the scene, the only hint of what happened last night:

We will be following up with police again tomorrow.

140 Replies to "UPDATE: Man stabbed to death along Alki Avenue SW"

  • West seattle guy June 2, 2018 (10:16 pm)

    Was just at the scene as officers has just arrived.  They were performing cpr…  I’m sick of senseless violence.  Praying for the guy to pull through.

    • WSB June 2, 2018 (10:21 pm)

      Thanks. Unfortunately radio traffic also confirms life-threatening injuries, so far.

      • West seattle guy June 2, 2018 (11:20 pm)

        I’m sad for the loss of life and angry at these senseless acts.  Last year, I was a block away when a life was taken away on 62nd and tonight I had to witness another outcome of violence.  Folks, please be compassionate to each other.  Most importantly, teach and show our future generations.  

        • Jon June 3, 2018 (1:35 am)

          Not that I disagree with your sentiments, but I don’t think gang members and murderers really come to West Seattle Blog in the first place; especially not for any sort of “soul-searching”. The best “offense” against things of this nature is a defensive mindset and capable civilians who are willing to step up when law enforcement is not present. If you’re able to help someone, please do so and don’t assume that “someone else will”; because The Seattle Freeze results in cases not dissimilar to that of Kitty Genovese.Alki beach is not the safest place past sundown; which is a shame — and there really should be more of an SPD (non-Meter Maid Division) presence there.My condolences to the family and friends of the victim if they read this.

          • CandrewB June 3, 2018 (3:17 pm)

            Isn’t that curious how parking enforcement is almost omnipresent? It’s almost as if the city can be super-effective when they want to be…

  • Dionte June 2, 2018 (10:24 pm)

    Thoughts and prayers for the victim to get better than worse. Life is too short, love one another.

  • JAMES P HERRMANN June 2, 2018 (10:28 pm)

    Not good news. CPR stopped. Sheet laid on him. Blood in street. Sad.

    • WSB June 2, 2018 (10:38 pm)

      Haven’t heard any more … but all SFD units have been closed out of the call, which in that context is not a good sign.

  • JanS June 2, 2018 (10:29 pm)

    I live 1/2 half block from Admiral Way near Met Mkt. Have been listening to fast, noisy, sounds-like -racing cars all evening long. Alki is a public beach, so anyone can go. It’s not even summer yet, and already violence. Sad, sad, sad.  If you have to be violent, do it at your own house. Chill when you’re a guest at ours :-\

    • carole June 3, 2018 (9:18 am)

      I’m about a mile south of Admiral at California and I heard the racers also.  Revving engines and loud exhaust.

    • Craig June 3, 2018 (5:44 pm)

      Alki is not yours it’s everyone’s

      • EnoughisEnough June 4, 2018 (12:37 pm)

        No, it is ours, and really quite tired of gang bangers coming into ruin the area every summer. It is predictable, it has been happening the last 20 years, and obviously has been making it more dangerous for everyone who are simply wishing to relax and enjoy themselves.  The only difference is now they’ve taken it to a whole new level. Murders used to be a rare occurrence in West Seattle. I refuse to let this become another place where violent crime is the now the new norm.  Time to instigate patrols stopping anyone who is not from the area requiring them to show their ID before entering. Enough is enough!

        • HappyOnAlki June 4, 2018 (8:41 pm)

          Show ID? Are you serious? And then what?

    • Z June 5, 2018 (12:34 am)

      Welcome to living in a popular area. Move to a gated community if you want peace and quiet. I love the beach and car culture of Alki, especially in the summer. But I hate the tragedies too, I’m just glad it’s still rare here.. 

  • Alki Neighbor June 2, 2018 (10:33 pm)

    Heard on scanner homocide is on the way and crime scene tape is going up now. I live right down the road, this is terrifying. Does anyone know if this was a targeted attack? No disrespect meant. Only want to know for my own piece of mind, if any.Thoughts go out to the family, my heart breaks for you. 

    • WSB June 2, 2018 (10:40 pm)

      No official info yet, way too soon. Just FYI homicide would be called even in non-fatal serious attacks. And as I write that … our crew confirms the victim is dead.

  • Alki resident June 2, 2018 (10:34 pm)

    Unbelievable, I was just down there thinking how police are really out and about tonite yet peaceful.

    • Admiral Mom June 3, 2018 (9:49 am)

      Agreed!!! I am “that” neighbor who is always calling the police about car racing and illegal activity. When I went for a run on Alki and California Ave today, I noticed how many police cars there were patrolling the area. I was soooo impressed that SPD was clearly listening to our concerns. And then this! All of the police cars racing to the scene. What more can you do when we have so many police patrolling?

  • Linda June 2, 2018 (10:46 pm)

    We live near the boat ramp. The police are still searching the area.  Asked to call if you see anyone suspicious.  Be safe everyone. 

  • WSB June 2, 2018 (11:10 pm)

    Hopefully you have provided all this to police already? If not, please call 911 and do so.

  • SL June 2, 2018 (11:18 pm)

    If anyone hears that they caught the guy please post. 

    • WSB June 2, 2018 (11:34 pm)

      Yes, of course we will update.

  • Alki resident June 2, 2018 (11:22 pm)

    Anthony, get your name off of the post and make a different name like witness or something for your safety. I’m so sorry you witnessed this, very traumatic. 

    • Alki resident June 2, 2018 (11:34 pm)

      Anthony, you just posted the victims blood on your car. Call police immediately and have them come to you. There may be suspect dna on the car as well. 

  • CONCERNED June 2, 2018 (11:29 pm)

    Do you have a description of the victim?  I am concerned about someone that might be in the area.

  • Deidre June 3, 2018 (1:08 am)

    This is just outside my house. :(

  • T June 3, 2018 (1:38 am)

    Lord help us.

  • Crystena June 3, 2018 (3:33 am)

    Rip Acer loved but not forgotten

  • Sue Luke June 3, 2018 (7:08 am)

    WSB: Any new info since last night? Thanks

    • WSB June 3, 2018 (1:10 pm)

      No, sorry. When police posted something brief to SPD Blotter, there were no details we hadn’t already reported via Christopher talking with police at the scene; then we went by the scene this morning just to see if there was a trailside memorial or anything else – nothing so far, at least as of midmorning. No hint that someone lost his life there. – TR

  • WS RES June 3, 2018 (8:23 am)

    Here’s a thought, implement a toll for all non-WS residents. In other parts of the country where they have done this, it has significantly reduced racing, cruising, crime and promotes legitimate use of beaches.

    • Question Authority June 3, 2018 (9:31 am)

      So what your saying is Alki Beach, which is a City Park owned and operated by the City of Seattle for the public good would only be there to serve locals unless you pay a fee, right?  How about a toll gets implemented on the West Seattle bridge heading Eastbound so that as you cross the river you pay a toll for leaving WS and crowding the roads away from your so called private beach instead.

    • Marie June 3, 2018 (10:26 am)

      Interesting idea! 

    • Question Authority June 3, 2018 (11:01 am)

      So with that attitude you would pay to visit any other City public park elsewhere, right?

    • Jon June 3, 2018 (2:36 pm)

      Yeah, build a wall around Alki! :)It’s a bad idea; the laws we have just need to be enforced. You can’t out-regulate human nature. Society just has to do a better job in not raising maniacs.

  • WS4life June 3, 2018 (8:29 am)

    There needs to be heavier police presence at night.  We all see them during the day when there is rarely and trouble.  Once the sun starts to go down, the police are not around.  In the years when police are on Alki early and often, these things do not seem to happen as much.  As it gets hotter, it will get worse.  Perhaps officers can log time on Alki not at 9am or noon but 8pm or so when the crowds really start planning their evening.  If they see no cop presence, they get bad ideas.  When they see the cops, they do not act on those ideas.  Seriously, why are the cops doing rounds in the morning?  I have lived on Alki for over 20 years and do not understand why the cops will walk around when there is little likelihood of any crimes occurring but will disappear when it seems to be getting rowdy…please fix this issue and the rest will get better.   I am not bashing the police, I support them, I just wish they would change their patrol times on Alki.  May the victim rest in peace and may his/her family and friends get the closure they deserve.

    • Alki resident June 3, 2018 (10:06 am)

      Excuse me but there were two cop cars working at the boat launch just feet from the murder scene last nite. All the while another cop pulling over a Lamborghini type car near kitty harbor. It had been a beautiful, peaceful nite up until this horrific murder. Police are clearly responding to the needs of beach goers by being present but they can’t be everywhere and I’ll never blame them for not being around if we have tragedy in West Seattle. 

      • S June 3, 2018 (10:59 am)

        Agreed.  The police can’t be everywhere.  I would like to see them “on the beat,” more.  Just walking around in duos and interacting with everyone; not just perpetrators.  A lot of cops seem to feel the constant pressure of public judgement and aren’t particularly friendly–drives an us and them mentality.  This has little to do with the stabbing, but a friendly and interactive police presence might drive down crime from out-of-towners or vagrants.

        • Buddy June 4, 2018 (11:28 am)

          Good thing they removed those cameras 

  • Toru Okada June 3, 2018 (9:23 am)

    Nothing signifies the start of summer more than a murder on Alki. 

  • dsa June 3, 2018 (9:30 am)

    Nice on the spot reporting Christopher of this awful incident.

    • Sue Luke June 3, 2018 (9:58 pm)

      Yes, great job Christopher and WSB!

  • Chris June 3, 2018 (9:48 am)

    Add speed bumps. Get rid of the fire pits and outlaw cook-outs and public consumption of alcohol on the beach. The population (and I’m not passively calling out a specific color of human being) that invades Alki at night (on weekends) isn’t doing a thing for the local economy. To the contrary, this violence keeps up and those with money are going to spend (and live) elsewhere. None of the perpetrators of these crimes are local to Alki. I’ve walked the beach at night … there is nothing about Alki summer nights that feels safe: I’ve witnessed, first hand, a fight break out involving about 30 individuals. I’m a 40-something veteran of the US military and have had Johnny Bravo’s yell out to me to try and insight a confrontation. I watch the motor cycle gangs congregate outside Blue Moon and disrupt the peacefulness of the neighborhood and risk others safety when they show off and ride agressively. Local neighbors: we need to be the catalyst for change. 

    • Alki resident June 3, 2018 (10:17 am)

      So outlaw family time with your friends and ban fire pits and BBQ s? Lived in the beach for years and have not seen and shootings, stabbings or harassment caused by people bbqing or chillin at at cozy fire. The motorcycle groups bikes may be loud but they’ve not caused harm to beach goers either. If we had speed bumps, we’d never get the pleasure of seeing hot rods come through. 

      • Todd Anderson June 3, 2018 (3:34 pm)

        We get no pleasure from seeing AND hearing hot rods come by

      • Chris June 3, 2018 (3:42 pm)

        No one is outlawing family time. Cozy fires with family? You’ve lived here for years? Have you walked the beach on a Saturday or Sunday at 7:00 am it looks like a war zone. I live on the beach and can tell you first hand … the motorcycle kids bring trouble. You want to watch the hot rods? The sakes ones who do 45 mph up and down side roads? Just because you’ve not seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I’m curious if you live on the water or a few blocks away. My girlfriend lives a few blocks away and, if I lived there, I could see how I could quickly view the world through rose colored lenses. Living off Alki Ave gives you a different view and is a lot less “cozy.” As some others have referenced: I’ve seen problematic behaviors since living here: heroin use, a bucket of human feces left on the road, fights, littering, wreckless driving/motorcyclists pulling stunts on Alki Ave, a large population of homeless living up and down Alki/Harbor and now two murders within a year … I once lived off Florida beaches: we could enjoy family time during the day (but we cleaned up and went home when the sun went down) and left the beaches to the wildlife at night. It’s nice to be able to return in the morning to a clean beach. You can have a healthy mix of family and nature with a little more control/laws to protect the natural resources and residents of this area. But right now I’d say, local population doesn’t deserve the use of this beach. 

    • AlkiRes June 3, 2018 (10:22 am)

      All true Chris. Exactly.

    • Lynn June 3, 2018 (10:23 am)

      I believe alcohol is already not permitted at any Seattle parks and public beaches. It’s on the Seattle Recs website. But does not seem to be enforced. Sigh.

      • Bradley June 3, 2018 (1:36 pm)

        I run at Alki almost daily and it seems that half of the cars parked along the Drive have occupants who are either drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, or both.

        • Chris June 3, 2018 (3:44 pm)

          We must pass each other in the AM … I see much of the same. 

    • C Lo June 4, 2018 (10:51 am)

      I couldn’t agree more. We’ve lived a block off the beach for 7 years – it was my DREAM to live on Alki when I first moved to West Seattle 20 years ago. And over the past few years it’s turned into more of a nightmare. The amount of disrespect shown by visitors is appalling. The trash they leave behind, the noise they make, the traffic, the violence, etc . Every Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning when I’m walking my doggo during the summer I get treated to a full on trash explosion on the path. It’s INSANITY.  

  • Marie June 3, 2018 (10:27 am)

    Greater police presence is needed. 

  • Chris June 3, 2018 (10:29 am)

         The outrage over the installation of camera surveillance on Alki was misplaced.  Cameras might dissuade violence and help to identify perpetrators.  I hope the city changes it’s mind and installs the common sense deterrent and aid that cameras provide.  

    • Tim J June 3, 2018 (10:29 pm)

      Don’t understand why people were so against the cameras, but now totally for body cameras.  It’s not like the city is going to be watching 24/7.  They would just get a warrant to look at the video of the incident. 

  • alki perspectives June 3, 2018 (10:39 am)

    Speed bumps are apparently not an option for Alki Ave. under its current legal designation, given the need for emergency vehicles to quickly reach victims (ironically in some cases those caused by speeding). But speed cameras all down the length of Alki, that’s something i can get behind. The police hang out at the boat ramp and the beach, leaving the unprotected middle as a lawless zone that sometimes looks and sounds like a scene from a Mad Max/Road Warrior movie. 

    • WSB June 3, 2018 (10:44 am)

      City policy currently only allows for speed cameras in school zones, and that doesn’t cover any of Alki/Harbor Aves.

      • alki perspectives June 3, 2018 (12:00 pm)

        School zones are full of kids, justifying the speed cameras. I guess there are no kids on Alki. I ordinarily hate cameras whether for surveillance of crime, or for speeding, but enough is enough. Let’s get the city policy changed to allow an Alki-Harbor exception. Or toss out the city leaders. 

      • Jon June 3, 2018 (2:41 pm)

        Good. I don’t want to live in a dystopian nightmare where robots collect pointless revenue for the city government to blow.

      • Delridge June 4, 2018 (11:41 am)

        State law only allows for cameras in school zones, not just city policy. Seattle’s authorization for a pilot project outside of school zones expired several years ago.

  • Marie June 3, 2018 (10:47 am)

    What community meetings occur on the topic of problems (of many kinds) at alki?

    • WSB June 3, 2018 (10:58 am)

      The Alki Community Council meets most months, third Thursday, 7 pm, Alki UCC.

  • gxnx June 3, 2018 (11:08 am)

    Now are we all in agreement to have cameras?

    • Con June 3, 2018 (11:41 am)

      Cameras and speed-bumps would have prevented this knife attack?

      • Chris June 3, 2018 (6:48 pm)

        Directly? No. Of course not. And I think your question is steeped in sarcasm and no one was suggesting what your question implies. Cameras, lighting, speed bumps, and much more are part of a larger concept called “crime prevention through environmental design.” Without getting into too much detail: the concept is your build a community environment wherein criminals feel less inclined to visit/less comfortable commuting acts of crime. 

        • Jon June 4, 2018 (1:40 am)

          He’s right — it would’ve done nothing in this case because the murderer was determined to do it despite multiple witnessess being present at our busiest beach. Such designs disarm your average civilian in giving them a false sense of safety and order (“Oh, this area is far too nice for crime!”). What’s honestly needed is more common sense, enforcement of existing laws, and a sense of self-preservation and de-escalation (if possible); most of which are individual responsibilities (ignoring “acts of god”, as it were); but it wouldn’t hurt to have more police presence at night (preferably doing more than writing parking tickets).In my own experiences, such risky and brazen crimes have occurred in well-lit, heavily-populated areas. I once had a maintenance man attempt a home invasion on my apartment while I was home (with other neighbors out and about).Your suggestions, while not awful, would more be for addressing minor property crimes, honestly. Stay safe.

    • GOP in WS June 3, 2018 (11:49 am)

      The surveillance cameras were paid by the Office of Homeland Security to monitor Elliott Bay, not Harbor Ave/Alki Avenue.

    • Mark Schletty June 3, 2018 (1:00 pm)


    • Azimuth June 3, 2018 (1:50 pm)

      I think I’ll pass too

  • Marie June 3, 2018 (11:43 am)

    Not that cameras shouldn’t be considered, but honestly if someone is willing to stab or shoot another does anyone think this will make them think twice. I don’t. 

    • dsa June 3, 2018 (4:20 pm)

      It might stop them from doing it twice.

  • Guy Olson June 3, 2018 (11:46 am)

    RIP to the victim, it was a lovely day. My biggest safety concern is the moms. In SUVs on their cell phones texting their kids and running you or I over. 

    • ScubaFrog June 3, 2018 (6:28 pm)

      That’s not happened here in my recollection.  Every homicide here since I’ve lived here, year after year after year, have been young men shooting and stabbing each other.  Although I don’t know how Gregette Guy perished?  I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a rogue ‘mom on a cell phone’.Ah and 1 Motorcycle vs. skateboard fatality.All tragic.  Many targeted I believe.

  • anonyme June 3, 2018 (11:46 am)

    I’m totally for cameras on Alki, as well as for traffic enforcement elsewhere.  I agree with Chris on this and other comments he made.Many of the criminal, social, and behavioral issues plaguing Seattle can be boiled down to one denominator: lack of enforcement.  We need more police, more enforcement, and less cherry-picking when it comes to what to enforce and what not to.   Seattle is sliding into the gutter.

    • WS Vet June 5, 2018 (2:28 pm)

      I disagree. I believe many of the criminal, social, and behavioral issues plaguing Seattle can be boiled down to two denominators:  Parental coddling & entitlement, and lack of enforcement.

  • Pork Pie June 3, 2018 (11:57 am)

    You can have all the police presence in the world but if they aren’t going to enforce laws, bad actors figure that out pretty fast. 

  • ReasonableSolutions June 3, 2018 (12:47 pm)

    Maybe not, but cameras might help to apprehend the offenders, and put the filthy animals behind bars. 

  • West Seattle Lifer June 3, 2018 (12:52 pm)

    Truthfully if residents want cameras we are living in a time when cameras are easily set up at a very affordable price.Residential security surveillance cameras of all price ranges & clarity levels can be used to help police identify criminals, make sense of what happens at crime scenes and it often deters crimes for residents. Lighting and presence are the two most common deterrents for crime. Citizens being aware of their surroundings and coming forward to help identify and describe bad guys.As a community we are not helpless. We are able to participate.

    • Bradley June 3, 2018 (1:18 pm)

      Sadly, in Seattle’s current political climate, cameras aren’t going to help at all. Alki was crawling with hundreds of people and dozens of witnesses to this murder last night. SPD was right on scene BEFORE the stabbing. Seattle’s criminal element has no respect for SPD or fear of our city prosecutors. Alki has become a dangerous party after sundown on warm weekends and SPD is no longer able to protect Seattle residents or visitors.

    • MeanMrMustard June 3, 2018 (1:50 pm)

      This is very true.  I’m not sold on the city installing its own surveillance, and I question the likelihood of a crime of this nature being solved with a city camera’s surveillance footage, but there are plenty of businesses and such that could have cameras with footage that could be requested if a crime happens in the vicinity, and anybody living along the road or next to any empty areas is welcome to point a light or camera in a strategic direction-and local, community-level funding, action, and responsibility fits better.  I think Alki seems more isolated to West Seattle residents in a way it really isn’t, because coming from home, you forget that it’s accessible by trails, by coming over the bridge, or under it, etc–and I’ll admit to feeling unjustifiably territorial sometimes, and it’s jarring for something like this to happen, but I would wager it’s not indicative of any dangerous trend.

  • Noelle June 3, 2018 (1:12 pm)

    Any updates on this story?

  • Disappointed Dad June 3, 2018 (1:28 pm)

    There’s no solution that will satisfy everyone.  I will continue to take my infant daughter to Alki and enjoy these precious moments in her life. But only during the hours of 11am to 3pm. Without community involvement the problem will continue year after year. 

  • Coleman June 3, 2018 (1:43 pm)

    Gang violence. Life in the big city.  This a was a daily
    occurrence in Boston and Philly. Very common when you live in a city with low
    income equality. Also Alki is a hot hang out spot for teens, gangs and drugs.
    Adding more cameras just adds to the problem. Cops can help but this city is in
    debt and the things that gets cut first are cops and schools. In a way they are
    connected.  When public schools get less funding, it hurts the kids and
    that can lead to gang violence. I have lived in WS since 2008. I have seen the
    change from the cool model train shop to the new Ballard. At the same time
    rents have increased and homes. That pushes lower income out but it upsets the
    gangs. The city is like a living thing. It lives and breathes. As it grows
    its also fails. I have excepted the growth and I am as much as the problem as
    you are. All we can do is help one another. Little things like open doors for
    people. Pick up that random piece of trash you see on the street. Have a conversation
    with a homeless person. It’s the little things that matter. Hopefully karma
    will do the rest. 

  • New here June 3, 2018 (2:43 pm)

    I’m still new to the area but was so surprised with the number of flashy cars ripping out of the boat launch park starting at 6 on a Saturday night after having dinner at Marination a couple weeks ago. You can’t tell me that group of people are locals who are from the north part of West Seattle. How did this area become a prime spot for shootings, stabbings, and street racing when you don’t see this happening on other popular beaches like Redondo, Shilshole, etc.?

  • Cheeba June 3, 2018 (2:57 pm)

    We have four unsolved murders in the inmediate Alki area, all occurring while many people were nearby. Yet no witnesses or enough usable info. Im sure cameras would help solve those crime.

    • JanS June 3, 2018 (4:58 pm)

      totally agree…don’t like the idea of cameras? Too bad…something has to be done. We can’t not allow people from outside the neighborhood, no matter how much people want that. It’s public. We cant set up a toll for outsiders…that’s stupid, and discriminatory. If you see something, say something. If cameras will help find suspects when this happens, I say why not. Not enough police? did you read the story? Police all around. People in the boat launch parking lot? I was under the impression that it’s off limits to public parking. Hit them with a really stiff fine…every time. Maybe the people who live in the community need to have an extremely large protest assembly on warm Friday and Saturday nights…take the community back, use the picnic areas, the fire pits, use your phone cameras if you see something, and let the  ne’er-do-wells feel your presence, and that you’re watching. It’s one thing to bitch on here…it’s another thing to be active about it. If we don’t go…if we allow the bad element to take over entirely, we’ve lost. I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m pretty tired of letting the bad factions win…locally, statewise, nationwise. I am disabled…I do not live at Alki, but I live near. I love driving down Alki near the water.  I don’t want to lose that, whether it’s at 1pm or 10pm. None of us should be afraid to go . Lastly, someone knows who did this. I sincerely wish they would speak up.  It’s all very sad…and another life wasted :(Lisa Herbold…are you paying attention?  One death is too many….4 unsolved deaths? Unconscionable !

  • Luna Park Dad June 3, 2018 (3:09 pm)

    For public safety reasons and for the good of hard working families and homeowners they should close Harbor to major traffic and restrict it to local access only and deliveries.Dead End Harbor by the old Luna Park site for resident access only and bicyclists/pedestrians on the pathway.Install decent community safety cameras along the major gathering points and make the area liveable for everyone again instead of an unsafe crime magnet.With 10,000 people moving to Seattle every month just wait and see what this summer chaos will bring to our neighborhood.

    • JanS June 3, 2018 (5:02 pm)

      Dear Luna Park Dad. While you may think that’s a good idea, many people use that to get to and from their homes, to and from work.  It’s a public beach, not private  to the Alki community. Are you willing to take that further and tell other neighborhoods that they can close off their scenic routes and beaches to just their neighborhoods? Golden Gardens? Seward Park? The Waterfront? Madison Park?  

      • EnoughisEnough June 4, 2018 (1:05 pm)

        Sorry,But I am in total agreement with Luna Park Dad. Unless you can come up with an effective alternative solution , which I don’t appear to see here, then yeah. No more ‘public’ about a public beach.

        • HappyOnAlki June 4, 2018 (8:46 pm)

          So no more people on the beach, eh?  That’s who the public is, you know — people.

  • Chris June 3, 2018 (3:18 pm)

    When terrorists strike in Europe, it seems that cameras are all over the place.  It helps to find the bad guys folks.  Alki is becoming a battle zone every summer and we need some hi-tech help like other parts of the world.

    • Chris June 3, 2018 (3:49 pm)

      It’s going to appear you’re talking to yourself … but I agree with you 100%. 

      • JanS June 3, 2018 (5:03 pm)

        I do, too

    • Bradley June 4, 2018 (1:24 pm)

      A lot of my family lives in England under constant photo-monitoring and crime there is on a steep increase. London probably has more cameras in public than any other city in the world, yet their murder rate has just exceeded New York City’s. Violent criminals these days don’t have much fear of cameras, police, capture, or prosecution.

  • MJ June 3, 2018 (3:50 pm)

    Everyone with a cell phone is a camera in waiting.  The stabbing is sad, the City SPD needs to get their hands untied so they can arrest people doing drugs in their vehicles and doing drug deals.  Strict enforcement of the drug laws can reduce the presence of the criminal element.

    • Lisa June 3, 2018 (5:38 pm)

      Agreed. I called in pot (or crack?) smokers sitting at one of the viewpoints on a Sunday morning and no police ever showed up. I understand this is low-pri but I couldn’t live with myself if someone was injured because of this irresponsible behavior. I have seen them many times smoking in parked cars in that big lot and it seems there is no consequence.

      • Terry Smith June 3, 2018 (6:10 pm)

        Because they were smoking pot.

        • T June 3, 2018 (9:38 pm)

          Not legal to smoke pot outside like Lisa described. Police should have shown up.

  • Rhonda Porter June 3, 2018 (3:52 pm)

    There are speed bumps on the stretch of Beach Drive that starts at the point. I believe they were just installed about a year ago and they have not deterred the cruisers who hang out on Beach Drive along Constellation Park, posing with their cars, drinking, smoking… revving their engines before they squeal away to probably do “the loop” through Alki all over again.  

  • Seattlite June 3, 2018 (4:09 pm)

    What is the city council’s and mayor’s decision on keeping Alki residents safe from gang activity? I haven’t from Seattle’s leaders or SPD lately on their Alki safety strategy.

    • WSB June 3, 2018 (4:27 pm)

      Then you haven’t been reading our community meeting coverage.

  • Westside Native June 3, 2018 (5:53 pm)

    I am just amazed the amount of RV’s, cars and trucks parked on Harbor Ave. all day and all night and growing in number everyday.  Assuming they are someone’s residence.  Just sayin.

    • WSB June 3, 2018 (5:57 pm)

      This was nowhere near where the RVs park, and their number has fluctuated – we count almost daily while out in rounds – low 8, peak 18, in the past few months.

  • Silly June 3, 2018 (5:56 pm)

    I am so happy I left West Seattle (and the Seattle area in general). Lots of great people there for sure, but I certainly don’t miss the crime and violence. The City Council is deaf to the people that pay taxes and make the City work.  They are more concerned with making sure the people that commit these heinous acts are treated like upstanding citizens rather than criminals they are.

    • Tony S June 3, 2018 (9:35 pm)

      Crime and Violence? Seriously? Where do you live now, in the middle of nowhere with no one living within 1000 miles of you?As much as people are loathe to believe it, crime statistics are at historic lows.

  • NW June 3, 2018 (6:09 pm)

    Alki beach park is a 2.5 mile strip 135.9 acre park is there any organized volunteer efforts at a local community level for this large city park? 

  • ScubaFrog June 3, 2018 (6:19 pm)

    We lost the father at West Seattle High School (40yo father, at our high school, can you imagine that?).  So gang violence aside, we have 4 unsolved murders.  Tragic.  I’m going to name them and the location of their murder, because these people had names.  Gregette Guy, Alki, Jordan D. Thomas, Alki,  Lorenzo Marr, West Seattle High School, Unknown, Alki. SPD Has my full confidence.  They’ve been doing an incredible job here on Alki, they’re professional and spread so thin.  For the massive amount of traffic we have down here, they’re really trying with such a skeleton crew.

  • Unknown June 3, 2018 (6:51 pm)

    What was the victims name?

    • WSB June 3, 2018 (7:09 pm)

      The ID has not yet been announced and we don’t publish, in our story or comment section, until either authorities or family go public with an ID. There’s a name circulating on social media, as you’d expect, and if that was indeed the victim, he apparently lived in Everett.

  • Beach Life June 3, 2018 (7:11 pm)

    I live at the house closest to the murder scene. Today two men dressed in full scotish attire parked and got out with a bagpipe and drum. They walked to the scene and then started playing and continued walking. It was beautiful, but somber on this gray day, the day after a murder outside my house. Does anyone know if the bagpipe playing is a ritual related to the tragedy? Just curious. If not, it’s just been a very strange weekend down here with lots of things I’ve never seen down here before. There was also a fight between 3 women in front of my house yesterday. They also beat up a bystander who tried to intervene. 

    • WSB June 3, 2018 (7:16 pm)

      Have never heard of that before. We did note, while going past the scene again early this evening, that someone brought a few flowers.

    • James H June 4, 2018 (5:52 am)

      I don’t believe the bag pipes were related to this. They walked up to a young couple alone at the park and started playing Happy Birthday among other songs. They applauded the bagpipers. Looked like a much more joyous reason than the murder. It was beautiful.

  • Unknown June 3, 2018 (7:20 pm)

    Is there a sign for him around the area?

  • Wow June 3, 2018 (7:29 pm)

    Who was the person that dialed 911? Was it the victim or a witness 

  • CLeePWestie June 3, 2018 (11:20 pm)

    I’ve heard that SPD is approx. 200 headcount understaffed, with 300 leading in to retirement; they are spread VERY thin, and are also battling to juggle the addicted, mentally ill, unsheltered, and the service resistant squatters, with seemingly little to no support from city administration. What are they to do when they chase someone on foot through the city who is wielding a stolen pick-ax, an officer tackles the suspect, and that officer gets railed on instead of rewarded? People in law enforcement don’t want to work for Seattle; this is the environment that’s been created, now we all get to deal with the consequences.West Seattle has become a very dense population; with that will come an increase in many negative things, but if we don’t get our law enforcement numbers balanced out, and don’t allow them to enforce the law fairly and equally, it will get much, much worse.

    • Jon June 4, 2018 (1:44 am)

      100% on the money. Vote for a clean slate.

    • f June 4, 2018 (6:08 am)

      its pretty insane just how understaffed the police are – they were even before the population explosion and even more so now.now THAT is a levy i could understand. shocking that it doesn’t seem to be a priority for any of our local politicians. almost the opposite, really.

    • Paul June 20, 2018 (7:24 pm)

      Agree 100%.

  • For those who want cameras June 3, 2018 (11:35 pm)

    For everyone who wants cameras, I’ll take you back to last january when the topic was brought up in the city council. Do you want safety or do you want privacy? To the Seattle people who live in their little bubble of safety, this isn’t the Seattle you want, but based on your voting, it’s the Seattle you deserve. â€śIt’s reasonable for me to expect that I can walk down the street with a friend, having a quiet conversation, and there’s not a microphone mounted on the roof recording us,” Mocek said. Here’s the article for refence. http://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-city-councilmember-wants-federal-surveillance-cameras-removed

  • andy June 4, 2018 (6:46 am)

    Take the handcuffs off the police! You stifle the police by sicking the Department of Justice on them and people wonder why Alki is what it Is?

    • KBear June 4, 2018 (8:54 am)

      The DOJ is not preventing SPD from doing their job. On the contrary, they’re making sure they do their job correctly. You know who’s preventing SPD from doing their job? People who want more public services without having to pay taxes.

  • Wes C. Addle June 4, 2018 (7:54 am)

    Maybe we just need DUI checkpoints at both ends of the beach at night? There would be no need for cameras and it would deter those who like to race around and cruise while intoxicated?

  • Marc June 4, 2018 (9:28 am)

    I’m genuinely  curious — for everyone who is saying that the police need to provide greater enforcement, or do their jobs, or enforce the laws we have, etc. — what law or laws would you suggest need greater attention that would have prevented this crime? If someone harbors an intention to do severe bodily harm, but in all other respects is not breaking any laws (not speeding, not publicly intoxicated, not carrying a knife with an illegal blade, not carrying a firearm illegally, etc.), what is it you expect the police to do, or have done, in order to prevent this? When a guy pulls a knife and stabs somebody, what law or laws or police presence could possibly have done anything at all? What deterrent would be effective?

    • Cashmere June 4, 2018 (10:16 am)

      So so true

    • Wes C. Addle June 4, 2018 (10:26 am)

      Nothing.  You can’t stop the inevitable. IMO

    • Bradley June 4, 2018 (1:40 pm)

       I would like to see SPD actually enforce the laws against public marijuana smoking (and arrest the THC-infused drivers), open drinking, and reckless driving, for one. If they JUST did that, Alki would be 1000 times safer.

      • Wes C. Addle June 4, 2018 (1:54 pm)

        They are enforcing the MJ laws at least, which is to say stop it and put it out.  I’ve seen it happen.  Reckless driving is the biggest thing I see.  Lots of kids on bikes, skateboards, joggers . . . That’s my biggest worry down there.

  • EnoughisEnough June 4, 2018 (12:59 pm)

    In response to earlier reply.No, Alki/West Seattle, is ours. And really quite tired of gang bangers coming into ruin the area every summer. It is a predictable migration to Alki that has been happening the last 20 years, and obviously has been making it more dangerous for everyone who are simply wishing to relax and enjoy themselves.  The only difference is now they’ve taken it to a whole new level. Murders used to be a rare occurrence in West Seattle. I refuse to let this become another place where violent crime is the now the new norm.  Time to instigate patrols stopping anyone who is not from the area requiring them to show their ID before entering (well, come up with an effective alternative then). Enough is enough! Am I assuming that the trouble is coming from the outside, yeah, I guess I am. But time for West Seattle to no longer be seen as a favorite summertime hang out for illicit/violent activity. I would like to hear what SPD has to say on the topic and how they plan on getting on top of an obviously increasing problem. A few bad apples can ruin . . . well, . . . now it appears there is a whole orchard Time to meet with SPD to hear what the plan is. Time, to take back our community.

    • Steve June 5, 2018 (2:12 am)

      And how are you gonna stop the violence? With words? These people use a lot more powerful methods than words. You can do nothing. Nobody can. Just hope it doesn’t happen to you. 

  • Lura Ercolano June 4, 2018 (2:15 pm)

    That is absurd. You’re seriously suggesting airport-type TSA to restrict access to different parts of the city? Absolutely unconstitutional, immoral, discriminatory.

  • Jason June 4, 2018 (2:44 pm)

    It’s an absolute tragedy that a young man was murdered, but some of you have just gone completely hysterical. Cops can’t be everywhere all the time, and if people in our city didn’t expect them to respond to every stupid thing (like a couple of people smoking weed) then they actually could be focusing on creating this nice police state you all so desire in your neighborhood.

    • HappyOnAlki June 4, 2018 (8:51 pm)

      Exactly! Get a grip, folks.

  • West Seattle resident June 4, 2018 (4:44 pm)

    So apparently according to posts it is the drug dealers, gang members, hot rod drivers, teenagers, people who consume alcohol, people who have bon fires, pot smokers, terrorists, people who bbq, motorcyclists, skateboarders, oh and moms who drive suv’s that are the real problem.  If we just get rid of them than the beach would be a better place and no murders would ever happen. I know I fall into a few of those categories so I guess I need to move. 

  • knows the zip code here June 4, 2018 (7:25 pm)

    we need to outlaw the knives that kill people, ok… maybe just register them, ok… maybe just put a higher tax on them, ok…. maybe we should sue the company that sold the knife sharpener? or make another law….. that outlaws don’t abide by……. they are outlaws, the parasites of a civilized society. We have failed to treat them accordingly, and will probably continue to decriminalize their behaviors. give everyone trophies, let them play active shooter games all night long. I’m sure this suspect, has been suspect for some time, on the list of parents, friends, teachers, principles, our school system and police officers. Out of step, uncorrected at every bad decision he ever made. We have developed a society that no one has the parenting skills or determinations to maintain. The feel good method of voting has to change back to a responsible form of voting. Toughen up people and learn what it takes to be a civilized society. Tough ain’t enough! Somebody needs a good kick in the butt. All of us!

    • sixbuck June 4, 2018 (8:49 pm)

      Ha!  Please, stop making sense!  It may be contagious!

  • Zak June 5, 2018 (12:53 am)

    The beach is a diverse community. Stop trying to blame this all on “non-residents.” Violence happens and you deal with it. No community is a perfect community so shut up with all your blaming and just be aware of your surroundings instead. I hate it when tragedies happen but the bottom line is there is no clear and easy answer to solving this. Alki is well enforced with police and the neighborhood does a good job at looking out for each other, but you can’t stop everything. Unfortunately things like this happens and i hope they never happen again.  And please stop complaining about people with “flashy, shiny, fast and loud cars” for ruining the area because you liberals keep destroying a beautiful thriving car culture in the region as well as punishing everyone that doesn’t live in your own skin. Here’s a solution, move to a quiet suburban town in Kansas. I love the range of cars you see on Alki Beach because it’s always changing and I see something new everyday. If the car culture ruins your walks on the beach then buy a treadmill. 

  • Helpful June 5, 2018 (11:39 am)

    Zak, you’re wrong! It’s not about diversity. Every type of peace loving people welcome. However, when a group is actively aggressive and intentionally and willfully threatening and intimidating to the general public- that’s a problem. When the area becomes a stage to play out retaliatory gang strikes- that’s a problem! When people are doing drunken burn outs alongside 5 year olds padding along in flip flops carrying sand buckets- that’s a problem. I’m sorry- but it sucks for those of us who want to enjoy the beach without  being bullied or run over or watching gang members attack rivals. 

Sorry, comment time is over.