West Seattle businesses: Seattle Mart moves into ex-Boeing Plant 1


The big brick building at 200 SW Michigan [map] – once part of Boeing Plant 1 – is starting a new chapter in its history. Next week it opens as Seattle Mart, a new name and new home for dozens of wholesale showrooms that had been part of the Pacific Market Center in a Georgetown building now occupied by a pet-insurance company. Those independently owned showrooms (see the tenant list here) in turn serve independent retailers. Pacific Mart management tells WSB that the tenants are mostly wholesalers who don’t carry inventory, with the exception of a few cash-and-carry businesses. Seattle Mart will be open Monday and Tuesday as well as by appointment. Its grand opening will be part of Seattle Market Week, with most festivities on Saturday, August 20th, 2-8 pm.

3 Replies to "West Seattle businesses: Seattle Mart moves into ex-Boeing Plant 1"

  • Alan August 10, 2016 (9:06 am)

    I am very happy to see this building find a use. It has been empty for a long time and it is one of the nicest looking, most historical buildings in West Seattle. It is also easily overlooked because of its location.

  • John August 10, 2016 (9:31 am)

    Is it as it appears to be, unreinforced brick? 

    Has it been seismically upgraded?

  • sc August 11, 2016 (5:14 am)

    Does the street name Michigan have any Ford Motor company  connection?  Also the street name Dearborn?  I think Ford built cars here in early days.  Just wondering …

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