UPDATE: Alicia Goemaat pleads guilty to murdering toddler in Morgan Junction apartment

4:54 PM: Eight months after kicking her boyfriend’s toddler son to death in their Morgan Junction apartment, 21-year-old Alicia Goemaat pleaded guilty today to second-degree murder. We just found that out after checking court files. Goemaat was arrested less than a week after 17-month-old Drue Lehto was found dead; investigators say she kicked him and then placed him in his crib, where he was found. She eventually was reported to have said she was mad at Drue for fighting with her own young child over a toy. Second-degree murder is the charge originally filed against Goemaat last fall; we have no other details of today’s hearing but will update with anything more we find out. Her sentencing is set for July 8th.

6:18 PM: We now have information from KCPAO spokesperson Dan Donohoe regarding the sentencing recommendation: “The sentence range is 123 to 220 months in prison, and prosecutors will recommend 140 months.” (That’s 11 years, 8 months.)

10 Replies to "UPDATE: Alicia Goemaat pleads guilty to murdering toddler in Morgan Junction apartment"

  • Double Dub Resident June 7, 2016 (7:53 pm)

    Wow how heart breaking. I have a daughter about the same age as Drue was and I cannot imagine having that kind of rage to do something like that. My heart goes out to Drue‘s family. 

  • South Delridge gal June 8, 2016 (1:12 am)

    Thank you for the update. I remember this very sad story. I hope Drue’s family is healing – cannot imagine. A child at 17 months is so small and defenseless. Do we know if there was a history of child abuse in the victim’s home? 

    • newnative June 8, 2016 (7:56 am)

      If you read the first link in the story that goes to the original story, it mentions that there were suspicions that were raised by bruises and scratches that the father explained away.  There was a couple that witnessed “unusual anger” from the woman towards the toddler.  

  • Joan June 8, 2016 (8:37 am)

    11 years does not seem enough. She should get life, and have her child taken away.

    • newnative June 8, 2016 (9:06 am)

      Especially when she is young enough to re-offend, when there is opportunity to keep her longer.  Sentence her longer with a chance of reform later.

  • Alkiobserver June 8, 2016 (9:22 am)

    Less than 12 years for the senseless, horrible murder of an innocent child?!? What a travesty on top of an already devastating loss due to her crime. This outcome sickens and saddens me. By my moral compass, should be spending a lot longer time locked away from civilization given what she did to that poor child.

  • Joe Bags June 8, 2016 (12:14 pm)

    Way too short of a sentence. For certain crimes, like adults inflicted upon children or the defenseless, I believe in an eye for an eye.

  • KM June 8, 2016 (1:16 pm)

    So people who have drugs on their person and didn’t harm anyone else have received sentences from 30 years to life but she gets 11 years for murdering a defenseless child?  There is REALLY something wrong with our values as a society.


  • ScubaFrog June 8, 2016 (4:00 pm)

    Well said KM.  We have people serving life under the ‘three strikes’ law – their third offense was stealing a candy bar.

    This animal beats a baby to death, and she’ll  be out to ‘enjoy’ her 30’s.  11 years…

    This country needs a massive reformation of its “Justice System”.

  • Admiral Mom June 8, 2016 (7:26 pm)

    A tragedy all around. Her own child will grow without a mother

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