day : 26/12/2015 6 results

‘King tides’: Highest tide of the month due on Sunday morning

December 26, 2015 11:12 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle weather

Just a note for “king tide” watchers: The 12.7-foot high tide at 6:49 am on Sunday morning will be the highest tide of December 2015, and not far from the highest tide of the winter, peaking at 12.9 three mornings in a row next month, January 13, 14, and 15. (Here’s the monthly chart; you can also consult a daily chart any time for a quick “when’s the next low/high tide?” look, via the WSB West Seattle Weather page.)

UPDATE: ‘Assault with weapons’ response in south Morgan Junction

9:05 PM: Sizable Seattle Fire response in the 4300 block of SW Frontenac in south Morgan Junction for a response on the log as “assault with weapons.” We’re en route to see what we can find out.

9:11 PM: This is reported to be a 70-year-old man with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He is being rushed to Harborview.

9:16 PM: Our crew at the scene has confirmed the report of the circumstances. Medic 32 is taking the man to HMC, and other SFD units will clear the scene.

As we always note when suicide or attempted suicide comes up: The 24-hour Crisis Clinic hotline is there for anyone who is considering self-harm – 206-461-3222.

Transit reminder: Washington State Ferries’ winter schedule starts on Sunday

December 26, 2015 7:35 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Transportation | West Seattle news

Reminder if you use Washington State Ferries – its winter schedule starts tomorrow (Sunday, December 27). As part of the seasonal schedule changes, the Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth route will have fewer weekend sailings. Find the schedule specifics here. WSF will be on the winter schedule through March 19th.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car stolen for the third time; burglars photographed; break-in tried; package taken; license-plate theft

Four Five reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STOLEN CAR: Kirk‘s car has been stolen, again:

My 1994 Honda Civic Hatchback was stolen from my condo parking lot on California Ave. SW (just south of The Junction), sometime between 10:30 p.m. Dec. 25 and 8:00 a.m. Dec. 26. It is a greenish color. This is the third time that car has been stolen in West Seattle over a course of about 15 years.

Its plate is ADY3889. As advised via @getyourcarback – where SPD tweets all vehicle-theft reports (though not with locations, unfortunately, which is why reader reports are vital so we hear about and can publish West Seattle thefts) – call 911 if you see it.

RECOGNIZE THESE BURGLARS? Maria has these screen grabs from surveillance video of burglars who broke into her “private fenced carport” on 26th SW in Westwood, including one Grinch-ily clad in a Santa hat:

Maria says they stole “clothes, shoes, camping gear, pots and pans.” If you have any info on their identities, the SPD case number is 15-443118.

BREAK-IN ATTEMPT: Liz near 31st/Elmgrove says someone was “rather violently” rattling/pulling at the doorknob of the “converted garage” at their house around 11:30 last night. Turning on a light apparently scared them away.


Neighbors in the 3800 block of Charlestown, please be aware that a package was stolen from my front porch. It was a food shipment from Blue Apron. Strange thing to steal because it is only ingredients for meal preparation, but evidently the thieves take anything they see on a porch. I’ve reported the package stolen, but want my neighbors to be aware.

P.S. If your neighborhood doesn’t have a Block Watch – here’s how to start one. And once you do, get involved with the West Seattle Block Watch Captains’ Network, which resumes monthly meetings in January.

ADDED 5:03 PM – LICENSE PLATE THEFT: Greg sent this very early Christmas morning (late Christmas Eve), and we missed it until Diane‘s comment below:

I just filed a police report as my back plate with tab was apparently stolen while parked in my alley spot behind 42nd, 2600 block near Safeway/Hiawatha. It likely happened over the past 24-48 hours.

Plate theft is more common than you might think – as pointed out here a year ago – so know your number and keep an eye on it.

What’s up for the rest of your West Seattle Saturday

December 26, 2015 11:50 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

Thanks to Monty for today’s post-Christmas sunrise view. Though you can expect a general between-holidays lull for the week, we do have a few things on the calendar:

AFTER-CHRISTMAS ‘GARAGE SALE’: Junction TrueValue (WSB sponsor) started it today – clearance sale with lots of items 50 percent off, Christmas decorations 40 percent off. (44th SW & SW Edmunds)

PLAY GAMES! Long list of gaming activities on the calendar for today/tonight at Meeples Games (WSB sponsor). (California SW & SW Charlestown)

MUSIC & BEVERAGES: Legend Heart is live tonight at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

‘WONDERFUL LIFE’: Second-to-last performance of this year’s holiday show at ArtsWest, 7:30 pm, tickets available. (4711 California SW)

More time for curbside, dropoff Christmas tree recycling this year

December 26, 2015 10:21 am
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 |   Environment | Holidays | West Seattle news

In case your post-Christmas attention has turned to practical matters: The city’s window for tree recycling is a lot longer this year, as announced by Seattle Public Utilities:

Seattle residents can put their Christmas trees and holiday greens out next to their food and yard waste carts on their regular collection day at no extra charge from Dec. 26, 2015 through Jan. 31, 2016. Multi-family buildings may put out one tree next to each food and yard waste cart per collection day at no extra charge during this time.

Trees should be cut into sections no longer than six feet, with branches trimmed to less than four feet to fit into the collection trucks. Sections should be bundled with string or non-plastic twine. Metal, plastic and ornaments in trees and wreaths must be removed.

Customers may continue to set out holidays greens after Jan. 31 with a fee charged for any that are outside the food and yard waste cart.

Flocked or plastic trees, or trees that have tinsel or ornaments on them, will be collected with the garbage. Customers will need to cut these trees into three-foot pieces and will be charged extra garbage fees if they are outside the garbage can.

Seattle residents can also drop off holiday trees and greens for free at Seattle Public Utilities’ South Transfer Station from Dec. 26, 2015 through Jan. 31, 2016. Tree sections must be cut to eight feet or less in length and the trunk must be four inches or smaller in diameter. The limit is three trees per vehicle. Only trees and wreaths without flocking or decoration may be composted free of charge.

The South Transfer Station is in nearby South Park – here’s a map. It’s open 8 am-8 pm until January 15th; closing time changes to 5:30 pm starting January 16th.