West Seattle development notes, from Admiral Way to Seola Beach

From our latest check of the city Department of Planning and Development files:

THREE HOUSES ON ADMIRAL WAY HILL: An undeveloped 12,350-square-foot parcel between the east side of Admiral Way and the west side of 31st SW, north of the bridge, is proposed for three 3-story houses. The proposal is on file with the address 3116 SW Admiral Way.

SW HOLDEN SUBDIVISION: While the 18-house subdivision between Holden and Webster has already received key approvals, three parcels still have to be split into 18 for the individual houses that are planned, and the comment period has opened for that application – here’s the official notice from today’s Land Use Information Bulletin.

CHANGE OF USE: Also from today’s LUIB, comments are open on a proposal to change the use of a house at 9248 25th SW to a “community center.” The notice doesn’t specify what that means, but in a document in the online files, the applicants list religious uses as their plans for the building. The notice includes information on how to comment.

DEMOLITION PLANS: A 61-year-old house at 11825 Seola Beach Drive would be demolished as part of a new-construction approval that also was announced in today’s LUIB; also, at 8443 12th SW, a house is proposed to be demolished, with at least one new one to be built (there’s also a lot-split proposal at the address).

LOT-SPLIT: Early-stage application to split one parcel at 3617 SW Holden into two.

1 Reply to "West Seattle development notes, from Admiral Way to Seola Beach"

  • AmandaKH February 2, 2015 (1:58 pm)

    Thank you for the Change of Use notice! I emailed DPD to ask for some additional information…

Sorry, comment time is over.